Heroes of the Storm: building Tassadar after the rework

Tassadar Rework Build Hots
Tassadar has become a Damage Dealer after patch 50.0. (Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment)

Heroes of the Storm recently reworked Tassadar and the players love it. How does his new build work and how do you play it optimally?

If a support becomes an assassin, what does that add up to? A lot of fun! The new Tassadar Rework from Heroes of the Storm is less than two days old and already his pick rate dominates quick games - as well as the ranked and ban phase. The old support hero is history, long live Damage Dealer Tassadar

HotS Tassadar Rework Skills

Out of the C-tier - Tassadar now enjoys a high pick rate and offers some exciting changes:His previous Ulti is now available from the beginning on E: the Force Wall. It prevents enemies from overcoming the obstacle for two seconds - unfortunately, this also applies to other players, so be careful here. Heroes like Li-Ming or Illidan can escape this wall with their own abilities.

Tassadar Rework Build Wall
Tassadar's old Ulti Force Wall is now available from the start. (Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment)

Psionic Storm (W) has remained, but the Q ability has been adjusted as well: no more shield protecting allies. Instead, Shock Ray (Q) now offers a lot of damage potential. Clearly, Tassadar is no longer support, but a damage dealer like no other. Blizzard explains their Hots Rework as follows:

We felt there was a discrepancy between his hero kit/playing style and the fantasy of a Templar. That's why we re-imagined Tassadar from the ground up as a skill-based ranged Assassin with many similarities to Kael'thas or Gul'dan.

Besides Shock Ray, there's a new Ultimate: Black Hole. This black hole moves across the map in the direction of the target and draws enemies in its center. When the center is touched, the ability deals 310 damage and stuns enemies for 1.25 seconds.

Tassadar Rework Build

As a classic damage dealer, we go on what? Right, damage, but since Tassadar is very squishy and doesn't have a very high range, he needs not only good support but should also for the Oracle talent. Opponents will find it harder to take him out and in short, the Tassadar Rework Build looks like this:

Hots Tassadar Rework Q Damage
Tassadar's new Q ability. (Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment)

Detailed Tassadar build overview:

  • Level 1, Talent 1: Static Charge (Q) - this quest increases damage to enemies by 4 and provides 33% resonance beam recharge from hero strikes.
  • Level 4, Talent 1: Induction (Q) - using Q increases movement by 15% for 3 seconds and 25% when hitting enemy heroes.
  • Level 7, Talent 1: Beam Alignment (Q) - When the resonance beam is fully charged, automatic attacks gain +1 range and the cooldown of Shock Beam is reduced by 100%.
  • Level 10, Talent 2: Black Hole (R) - Creates a black hole that moves across the map, drawing enemies to its center and dealing 310 damage. It also stuns enemies for 1.25 seconds.
  • Level 13, Talent 3: Oracle (Active) - Gives 30 spell armor for 0.75 seconds and heals 12 health when Tassadar stands still. Activation causes Tassadar to channel and grants 4 seconds of vision in an expanding area on the map.
  • Level 17, Talent 1: Thermal Lance (Q) - The first enemy Hero hit by Shock Ray takes 8% of their maximum health as damage.
  • Level 20, Talent 2: Ball Lightning (R) - Each Hero hit by Black Hole creates a Psionic Storm at their location.

Not much can go wrong with this build. It boosts Tassadar's damage, Oracle uncovers enemies, and with the good wall, you can keep them at bay. In a match with Genji or Tracer, however, Tassadar won't be such a good pick as the nimble heroes are almost impossible to hit or zone out. The rest of the roster, on the other hand, is a different case.

So watch out in matchmaking and get into the new HotS update. Right now the Dark Nexus Skin for Tassadar fits him even more after the rework. The Dark Nexus event has been released with the reworked hero and the assassin is now a major threat in most games. Stay tuned for more HotS updates and check out the rest of our section.

Tasho Tashev

Law graduate from Sofia University turned gaming journalist. Gaming has always been a passion of mine since I was a kid (shocker I know) so it was only a matter of time before I started writing about it. My high-school...