Infinity Ward Temporarily Removes all Vehicles from Call of Duty: Warzone

Warzone vehicles
All vehicles in Warzone have been removed temporarily. (Source: Activision)

Vehicles in Call of Duty: Warzone have been causing some problems lately, regularly crashing servers or kicking players out of the current match. Infinity Ward has now temporarily removed all vehicles from the game.

Vehicles are as much a part of Call of Duty: Warzone as firearms are. Whether it's a helicopter, truck or jeep, they are all great options to speed up your travel through Verdansk or to run over other players.

If you have been wondering why since yesterday where all the vehicles have gone, here is the answer: Infinity Ward has temporarily removed all vehicles from the game.

Vehicles Cause Servers to Crash

Recently, there have been several server crashes related to vehicles in Warzone. If a player were to drive into a certain area outside the map's boundaries all players were kicked out of the match and found themselves back in the lobby. Since this problem did not only occur on PC but also on consoles, Infinity Ward decided to disable vehicles until a hotfix could deal with the server crashes.

The outcry of the community is actually smaller than expected this time. Most players even seem to approve of Infinity Ward's approach. Even DrDisrespect reacted positively:

The new train added in Season 5 is not affected by this and can still be used to move faster through Verdansk.

This is not the first time that Infinity Ward has completely disabled content in Call of Duty. There has been a previous problem with helicopters in Warzone. That glitched out the heli allowing it to fly under the map. Back then the developer also removed helicopters from the game until the glitch was fixed. Definitely a no-fly zone and now Verdansk is a no driving zone.

As usual, we will keep you up to date as soon as the fix is live.

Until then you can find all news and updates about Call of Duty, such as the new details about the Black Ops Cold War Multiplayer, on EarlyGame.

Lukas Ballat

Lukas has been passionate about shooters his whole life and at EarlyGame he teaches you everything about CoD, while also taking care of campaigns and partner projects. He also plays Souls-likes and doesn't shy away from the Diablo-grind either....