Key Victory for SK Gaming against MAD Lions

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Image credit: Riot Games

SK Gaming gave the Spanish powerhouse MAD Lions their first loss in several weeks. Will this cost MAD the first place in the split and will SK secure its spot in the upper echelon of the LEC?

As the joint leader in the scoreboard, MAD Lions were looking like the clear favorite for this game, although SK’s consistency had so far secured them a spot around the middle of the table. The Lions did not wait long to pounce, getting first blood just 4 minutes in with a gank from Zhiqiang "Shad0w" Zhao and a teleport from mid laner Marek "Humanoid" Brázda. Several minutes later, they collapsed on SK doing dragon and secured it alongside three kills to cement their early game lead. However, as the mid-game began SK would strike back, first getting a 3:1 fight 15 minutes in then a 4:1 six minutes later. For all of MAD’s creativity, they found themselves challenged in the teamfights where SK carries Dirk "ZaZee" Mallner and Juš "Crownshot" Marušič had a standout performance.

SK jungler Kim "Trick" Gang-yun set off a key fight 24 minutes in as he rushed into the MAD team and pulled Humanoid before a shockwave from ZaZee’s Orianna chunked out MAD’s AD carry, negating much of MAD’s damage output in what would turn to be an ace for one and a Baron for SK. With it, they quickly amassed a 6K gold lead and took the bot lane inhibitor before resetting and moving to secure the Ocean soul. MAD rallied to fight them, but SK carried the fight, got four kills and pushed to end the game. This victory sees SK rise to a 7-6 that gives them a good position to contest a playoff spot. MAD Lions is now at 10-3 and while they stil have a comfortable lead over the middle of the pack teams, they may lose their joint first place if Rogue defeat G2 Esports.

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