LEC 2020 Weekend Recap: MAD Lions bite back, Rogue out on top, and what's going on with Schalke 04?

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Image credit: Riot Games

LEC is in week 2, and already there is a slow divide on who's the best and who could use a good talking to. The weekend held many games for Europe, so let's recap what happened

Rogue and MAD Lions are fighting for first place at the moment, both with 4 wins and 1 loss when the weekend was finished. On the side of Rogue, Larssen and Finn continue to show us how League of Legends should be played. With dominating lane victories over Team Vitality, who seems to be struggling lately, especially in the latter stages of the game. It's no wonder we've included them in our top 5 plays from LEC.

EarlyGame player of the game: Larssen. Larssen continues to be an incredible asset to Rogue, and shows it in his dominating Corki game against Team Vitality, finishing with a score of 5/0/4.

MAD Lions, on the other hand, showed Fnatic how to play League of Legends well, with an incredible 35 min game that ended in a Fnatic loss. At the moment, it seems as if players in Fnatic are having communication issues, especially during team fights, that cost them countless objectives during the game. On the Fnatic side, Nemesis needs to relax a little, as he made a major mistake at the Elder Dragon pit (30:50), causing him to get stuck. This resulted in a sloppy team fight from the side of Fnatic, that MAD Lions capitalized on significantly.

EarlyGame player of the game: MAD Shadow. The guy was incredible on Lee Sin, seriously. Stealing objectives, setting up kills for the team, Shadow was quite literally everywhere (Like a shadow), ready to take the Fnatic faithful down.

It's sad times for Schalke 04 at the moment who just can't seem to land a single victory, are at the bottom of the standings for week 2 with 0 wins and 5 losses. SK Gaming, Origen, and Fnatic all tie for 3rd place with 3 wins and 2 losses, with Misfits Gaming and Team Vitality that ties for 7th place.

If you need a complete overview of the week 2 standings, here they are!

We didn't expect MAD Lions and Rogue to have such dominating games these few weeks of LEC, and we're excited to see what they can bring next week! Check back here at EarlyGame regularly for more LEC 2020 coverage.

For everything else League of Legends, keep it here with EarlyGame.

Sam Batty
Sam Batty