LEC Sunday Review: FC Schalke 04 Make Playoffs and Rogue Secure Worlds Spot

fc chalke 04 win
Image credit: Riot Games

Schalke’s miracle run is complete! A victory against MAD Lions and Excel’s defeat at the hands of G2 Esports ensure that three weeks after standing at 1-10, FC Schalke 04 secured the last spot in the LEC 2020 Summer Playoffs.

Misfits End Split With a Win

Misfits Gaming took on Team Vitality in the last match either team would have this year. Vitality got an early kill, but Misfits soon replied and had a lead for much of the early game. While the French squad would win occasional skirmishes as the mid-game started, Misfits remained slightly ahead and eventually secured a risky Baron 23 minutes in despite losing four in the collapse. However, the game eventually slowed down, and Vitality took the initiative, taking a mountain soul and the second Baron.

Misfit did not give up, though, and in a long standoff near the Elder drake managed to first kill the Vitality support and then take down the flanking Aljoša "Milica" Kovandžić, which allowed them to secure the objective and the next Baron. With the buffs, they pushed on the win the game and end the season with a win.

FC Schalke 04 Triumphs Over MAD Lions

After 6 consecutive wins, the unexpected dark horse FC Schalke 04 stood on the cusp of making playoffs - but they had to defeat the MAD Lions. MAD got a lead in the early game, but Schalke eventually equalized and came out ahead. The game remained close, but S04 mid laner Felix "Abbedagge" Braun got multiple kills and became the strongest player in the game.

MAD tried to catch the Schalke mid laner several times, but Schalke won multiple fights including a quadra kill for Abbedagge 32 minutes in. In objective fights Erberk "Gilius" Demir’s smites were on point. Eventually, MAD contested the possible ocean soul for Schalke only to get aced, leading to Schalke’s eventual win - and if Fnatic or Excel Esports lost their games, the German squad would secure a playoff spot.

Rogue Defeat Origen to Secure First Place

After MAD Lions’ defeat, Rogue could snatch the first place if they could beat the struggling Origen. They started strong, punishing Barney "Alphari" Morris’ Kennen multiple times in the first 10 minutes. While Origen got a good fight shortly afterwards, Rogue kept on the pressure and secured a cloud soul just 23 minutes in. Origen were unable to find a good fight and Rogue remained in control, eventually getting a Baron 31 minutes in. In a fight near the elder dragon, Origen killed Emil "Larssen" Larsson while most of his team was doing the objective. However, Rogue finished the Elder drake and arrived to get 3 kills back, then won the game. With this win, Rogue will end the season in first place with a 13-5 record, while Origen finishes it alone in last place seven consecutive losses.

G2 Esports Continue Winning Streak

After a poor performance in the middle of the split, G2 rallied and were on a 5-game winning streak before their last match with Excel Esports. The spring champions took a series of successful fights in the early game, getting a nearly 2K gold lead at 10 minutes. Excel were able to get some kills back, but G2 kept being ahead in objectives and getting advantageous fights. 21 minutes in, Excel went in to kill Luka "Perkz" Perković, but he slipped away and the rest of his team got three kills, then secured the Baron. With it, they took two inhibitors before retreating. Excel tried to intercept, but G2 got a 4-3 in a close fight and ended shortly afterwards. With this loss, Excel now slip to 7th place with a 8-10 record and worse recent performance than FC Schalke 04.

Fnatic Secure Fourth Place With Win Against SK Gaming

The last game of the season featured Fnatic and SK Gaming, one of the oldest rivalries in the LEC. The German squad started well in gold, despite losing first blood, but a series of skirmishes 10 minutes in saw Fnatic get a big advantage. The spring finalists continued smashing all lanes, getting 11 kills in the first 16 minutes and a growing gold lead. As the mid-game progressed, SK got some kills back and had hope to turn the game around. However, Fnatic eventually secured the Baron and pushed SK back, getting the win after a 5-1 fight. With this, they end up with a 9-9 record alongside SK, but due to a better record in the latter part of the split edge them out for the fourth spot.



The LEC playoffs begin on August 21 as SK Gaming face off against FC Schalke 04.

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