LoL: G2 Accused of Tampering - What's the Truth?

G2 Esports Tampering Poaching
Does this look like a guilty man to you? | © Riot Games | LEC

Mad Lions are accusing G2 of manipulation. According to Dotesport's sources, this is true and the last LEC owners meeting was about tightening the rules and penalties for non-compliance.

This isn't the first time G2 has been accused of manipulation. They've already endured allegations in 2016 and 2018 regarding player poaching. These accusations have been put to rest, but now G2 is being accused once more of tampering, according to Dotesports sources. We'll take a look to see what this is all about!

G2 is Accused of Tampering - What is the Truth?

Dotesports reported that on the 2nd and 3rd of September a LEC owners meeting took place. On one of those days, MAD Lions suggested to vote on the revision of the global tampering and poaching rules. The vote was 8-2 in favor of strengthening the rules with only G2 Esports and Team Vitality voting against it.

Why did this vote even take place? According to sources, due to G2's attempts at Tampering. MAD Lions and Team Vitality refused to comment on the issue and according to Dotesports G2 ignored the request for comment as well.

Well, looking at the official comment from the LEC we begin to doubt the legitimacy of this whole rumor:

There has been no complaint filed with the LEC, and there is no ongoing investigation against any LEC team on this topic. With regards to the team owners’ meeting: those happen regularly and the topics that are discussed are confidential.

This basically means that the meeting was going to take place one way or another. If there had been serious manipulation allegations against G2, then MAD Lions have the right to legal action. So it seems that much of this rumor is just hot air, set to stir the pot.

The accusations from 2016 and 2018 are also just that – accusations. No legal action was ever taken. So this is a lesson for everyone to watch out what you read. Just because some MAD Lions players haven't got their full contracts for next year and G2 had an especially bad season, doesn't mean that player tampering and poaching will take place.

Nothing has been proven on either side, but with the lack of legal action and the comment from the LEC, we leave it up to you to form your own opinion on the matter.

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Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....