Fight for First Continues in Week 8 of LCS

LCS Studio Cover
LCS studio is empty once more with games being played from home due to the pandemic. | © Riot Games

Another week has passed in the LCS and 100 Thieves continue to top the standings, while TSM and Cloud9 try to catch up to the young roster. Did CLG finally find their footing after a hectic last few weeks? We recap the highlights of the weekend.

This weekend, teams had to move back into their team houses due to the COVID 19 pandemic. Analysts and casters took to the stage, but the players had to stay home. Did this have any effect on the outcomes this weekend?

Cloud9 and 100 Thieves Started the Weekend off Strong

The first game of the week saw Cloud9 take on 100 Thieves. The game was extremely close, neither team giving much to the other. Fights that looked to be going Cloud9’s way were quickly turned by 100 Thieves and vice versa. At 32 minutes, 100 Thieves opened up the Cloud9 base, but they overstepped their welcome and the three remaining Cloud9 players defended their nexus towers. This led to Cloud9 getting a second Baron of the game and winning the match within 35 minutes.

After such a back-and-forth game, TSM took on EG. Power of Evil wasn’t at his best on Syndra and TSM ended up losing important points to Evil Genius, who managed to outwork TSM to take home the win, continuing their win streak.

Team Liquid took on FlyQuest in the third match of the first day. Jensen pulled out the newly reworked Irelia, showing off why he is one of the best mid laners in the LCS, helping Team Liquid gain another important point before the playoffs.

Broxah came up clutch for CLG in their game against Golden Guardians, using his Kha’Zix to create an advantage for his struggling team and to take home a much-needed win for the last-placed team in the LCS.

The last game of Day 1 saw Dignitas take on Immortals in a rather weak game to finish off. Neither team looked great and in the end, Immortals won, but neither team impressed.

TSM Bounce Back in Day 2

TSM showed off their macro game prowess in their second game of the weekend. After losing to EG the day before, the team bounced back with a decent game to take home a key point to stay in the race for first place in the LCS.

Evil Genius did not respect Immortals Draven in this game, and ended up losing an important point in the end. The team started off good with a lead, but ended up falling in the late game when a fed Draven wasn’t to be stopped, giving Immortals the win.

Flyquest didn’t have the strength to overpower C9 in this match-up. Perkz dominated on LeBlanc, while Viego and Gwen couldn’t get rolling on the side of Flyquest. Cloud9 took home their second win of the weekend with ease.

Team Liquid took on Dignitas and were completely outclassed. Dignitas’ Diana was everywhere and anywhere on the map, making plays and negating others, leading to Dignitas’ victory over Team Liquid

In the final game of the day, 100 Thieves took on a struggling CLG. Even though, the day before, Broxah was able to lead his team to victory, he couldn’t put forth another carry performance and CLG lost once more, earning 100 Thieves an important point to stay at the top of the leaderboard.

100T, C9 and TSM Continue their Fight for First Place

Day 3 of the LCS started with Team Liquid taking on the Golden Guardians. After their abysmal loss the day before, TL bounced back with a win. It wasn’t a clean game neither team popping off, but due to a lack of engage from GG, Team Liquid managed to squeeze out the win.

Immortals continued their hot streak and managed to gain the upper hand and win against 100 Thieves. Thanks to the reworked Tahm Kench working wonders in the top lane, TSM fans can breathe easy once more.

Cloud9 took on TSM in the third game of the day. Both teams need the points to stay in the race for first place, and with the previous loss of 100T, the chances of making it to the number one spot became even better. Huni showed off his prowess on Jayce, while the TSM bot lane went to work to gain the upper hand and win against Cloud9 to tie 100T for first place.

EG took on CLG. Jizuke popped off on Ryze to show everyone just how much damage this OG champion still does. Thanks to his performance and all of EG, they managed to take home the win over a struggling CLG.

The final game of the weekend saw Flyquest take on Dignitas. Dignitas came to play, making proactive plays throughout the match, while Flyquest just looked lost throughout the whole 24-minute match. In the end, Dignitas walked off with the win.

That's it for this week, make sure to come back next week, where we go over everything that happened in the LCS and the LEC!

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Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....