Worlds 2020 Finals: Streams and Results (UPDATED)

Worlds BG
Suning vs DAMWON Gaming - who will take the cup? Image credit: Riot Games

China’s Suning faces off against South Korea’s DAMWON Gaming in the final series of Worlds 2020. Will the LCK champions regain the Summoner’s Cup for Korea, or will Suning beat the odds once again?

The two best teams in the League of Legends World Championship face off today in the finals match. DAMWON Gaming come as the champions of the LCK, eager to prove that their region is once more the strongest as they bested JD Gaming to take the first place in their group, before defeating LCK rivals DRX and LEC champions G2 Esports in the playoffs.

Suning, meanwhile, came as only the third LPL seed, but they showed that they are not to take lightly. They took first place in their group by defeating G2 in a tiebreaker, then beat JD Gaming and took down LPL champions Top Esports to avenge their playoff loss and secure their place in the grand final. Will the favorites restore the first place to the LCK or will Suning complete their underdog run and take the cup for China third year in a row?

Worlds 2020 Playoff Stage: All Streams

Here are some of the streams you can watch Worlds at:

Official English Stream: Twitch / YouTube

French: Twitch

German: Twitch

Italian: Twitch

Polish: Twitch / YouTube

Russian: Twitch / YouTube

Related: Worlds Semifinals results

Worlds 2020 Grand Final Results: Suning 1-3 DAMWON Gaming

Congratulations to DAMWON Gaming, Worlds 2020 Champions!

The LCK champions started strong, getting an early drake lead that saw Suning face a very early soul point. The LPL team had a small gold lead, but split in the fight for the infernal soul and lost the objective alongside several kills. Their scaling composition afforded them some leeway and they took several objectives in the mid-game, but eventually, DAMWON’s map control saw them get the advantage. It took over minutes and multiple barons, but the LCK team took the first game of the series.

The second game saw a similar situation,but this time it was Suning with the early drakes and DWG with the gold lead. The teams had several close fights, but eventually a single kill allowed the LCK team to prevent the cloud soul. Six minutes later, however, there was no further delays as Lê "SofM" Quang Duy styled on DAMWON in a close teamfight to secure the objective. The LCK team had no answers to him and to Chen "Bin" Ze-Bin’s Fiora and it was only fitting that the game ended with a Pentakill for Suning’s top laner.

DAMWON struck back hard in game three, getting a big lead in dragons and gold in the opening 15 minutes. A pick on Bin six minutes later gave them the cloud soul, but this was not enough to take down Suning. The LPL team had a great teamfight 23 minutes in as they caught DWG at the Baron, acing them and taking the purple buff for themselves. However, the Baron and even a subsequent Eldar Dragon was not enough to crack the map and eventually, DAMWON clutched the fight for the second Baron and used it to end the game.

With victory in sight, the LCK champions had another great start led by Kim "Canyon" Geon-bu. The DAMWON jungler was everywhere on the map, taking four kills in the opening 15 minutes and helping his team secure three early drakes once more. The Chinese team tried to fight back, but a disastrous fight 19 minutes in where they tried to dive DWG’s mid laner only to find themselves collapsed on. The LCK team took over the map and for the first time in the series, Suning’s resistance seemed to break. DAMWON got an infernal soul and Baron and with them, they broke through their opponents’ defenses to get the game and take the series.

  • DAMWON Gaming 1-0 Suning
  • DAMWON Gaming 0-1 Suning
  • Suning 0-1 DAMWON Gaming
  • DAMWON Gaming 1-0 Suning

With this, DAMWON Gaming are now the 2020 World Champions. The golden rookies learned from their mistakes in 2019 and became a juggernaut in the summer split. They became champions of the LCK in the summer split, came to Shanghai as favorites and have won the Summoner’s Cup, losing only three games for the entire tournament. South Korean fans can rejoice - once more, after two years of having no team in the final, the LCK can once more claim to be the strongest league in the world!

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