Pobelter: CLG Mid Laner Collapses Crying

Pobelter breakdown
The pressure of the last few weeks and days was simply too great. | © Counter Logic Gaming/LCS

It's all haywire in the LCS at the moment. CLG, at the bottom of the table, is not only struggling with the performance of its players, but its image has also crumbled. First, the video in which the players were told live that they might lose their jobs, and now a video of Pobelter collapsing under the mental pressure.

Even world-class athletes like Eugene "Pobelter" Park sometimes struggle. Places in the pro leagues are fiercely contested, and in every split you have to assert yourself anew. Roster changes are not uncommon and almost daily bread. However, it is rather unusual to put a video online of how such a change is brought to the players.

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With 10 - 29 standing in the split, there is no need to talk about the performance of the CLG players. Again and again things were tested and changes were worked on during the current line up, but the improvement failed to materialize. The pressure on the entire team increased, the play offs are now out of reach, and the split is basically over for the team.

If the organization then stabbed the already beleaguered players in the back and released a video threatening unemployment, don't be surprised, CLG... Even with 8 years of experience in pro play, it was all too much for Pobelter. He announced on Twitter that he broke down crying in front of his coach because he was simply emotionally overwhelmed

The fact that a player as experienced as Pobelter is now going public with the problems does not make the situation any easier for CLG. The organization has to react. Even though the video has since been removed from all social media, the pro's statement is stirring up the dust again. In the end, the whole affair makes one thing clear: our icons and idols are only human, and sometimes experience unbelievable pressure. Meet them with respect and understanding. We are curious to see how CLG will react to the whole thing, and will of course keep you up to date.

We wish Pobelter all the best and a quiet, restful time. Thanks for the many years of excitement and plays, HF and GG!

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