Loss to Excel Esports Sends Misfits Reeling before Super Week

XL vs MSF bg2
Image credit: Riot Games

Excel punished Misfits Gaming's early aggression and over the course of a clean and controlled game showed they deserve to be taken seriously in the LEC. With this win, they are in a prime position to make their return to the playoffs.

The clash between Excel and Misfits was key for both teams as they stood at 6-8 just on the cusp of playoffs. Misfits got first blood in the mid lane, catching Marc Robert "Caedrel" Lamont’s Kha’zix low. When they tried to gank the bot lane, however, Excel turned the 2v3 fight around with the help of a Gangplank ultimate and got three early kills on Patrik "Patrik" Jírů’s Kalista. The fighting then slowed down, but Excel’s gold lead gradually grew as they took down multiple towers reaching some 5.5K at the 20-minute mark. Misfits were able to find several picks, but they were unable to wrest the map away from their opponents. Excel secured a Baron 26 minutes in and went back on the offensive, taking the bot lane inhibitor and destroying the mid lane inhibitor turret before the buff expired. They then secured the mountain soul and, with an overwhelming advantage, pushed the top lane, got a 3:0 fight near the inhibitor and pressed on to win the game.

With this victory Excel now stand at 7:8 with three more games to go and a win against Origen next week is all but guaranteed to give them a playoff spot. Misfits, on the other hand, will be looking for multiple wins - and as they face G2 Esports and MAD Lions alongside Vitality in the upcoming super week, these wins will not be easy to come by.

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