MAD Lions Allow No Upset From Fnatic

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Image credit: Riot Games

MAD Lions have kept up in the first place race with a key win against Fnatic and secured the head-to-head advantage. The spring finalists had a good start to the game, but a baron worthy of Dignitas doomed their mid-game.

The last game on Friday featured what many expected to be one the most interesting clashes of the split, MAD Lions against Fnatic. The former rookies have been a dominant team this season, only losing two games so far. Fnatic’s record was a lot more sketchy, but after the end of their losing streak they looked like they could be getting back in form.

The fighting started early with several kills in the first five minutes. While both teams got kills and towers in the early game, Fnatic was ahead in both gold and kills at the 15 minute mark. MAD would soon claw back this lead, but when Fnatic got a kill and saw the enemy mid laner in the bottom lane 21 minutes in, they rolled the dice and went for the Baron.

It proved to be a huge mistake as MAD collapsed, winning the fight 4v5 and taking four kills and the Baron. Now some 5K gold ahead, the former rookies took over the map, taking their third drake of the game and pushing Fnatic back. Around the 28 minute mark, the Lions would start a Baron of their own, only to be pushed away - yet when Fnatic used the time to secure a dragon, MAD returned to the Baron pit to sneak the objective. Now with a decisive lead, they took two inhibitors in a slow siege and eventually secured the ocean soul as well. The teams would clash one last time near the third baron and while Fnatic took down Marek "Humanoid" Brázda, the rest of MAD cleaned house and pushed to win the game. With this win, the Lions are now 10-2 and remain tied for first place while Fnatic remain in a three-way tie for third at 6-6, with four more teams just one win behind.

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