Microtransactions in Cyberpunk 2077? CD Projekt Red Clears Out the Rumors

Cyberpunk 2077
Microtransactions in Cyberpunk 2077? (Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

The developers came clean after rumors of Cyberpunk 2077 having microtransactions put into the game have been flotating around.

False information, as well as unclear statement by Adam Kicinskis, president and join CEO of CD Projekt Red, resulted in rumours spreading about the game. The announcement that microtransactions will be implemented in Cyberpunk 2077 left players confused and dumbfounded.

November 19 marks the long-awaited release date of Cyberpunk 2077, one of the most anticipated games of the year. The closer we get to this date more and more info leaks out for fans to soak up.

The community gets sated through trailers and gameplay videos of the upcoming game, but fans can’t wait to be transported into the Cyberpunk future CD Projekt Red has created for them. Expectations are high for the November release and we believe an amazing game stands before us since the developers have yet to disappoint with a bad release.

Which is why CD Projekt Red reacted swiftly to quell the rumours regarding their newest game:

As promised, there won't be any microtransactions in the single-player game Cyberpunk 2077.

To erase all doubts, CD Projekt Red confirmed that Cyberpunk Multiplayer/Online, which is a completely separate project, will have microtransactions. The developers had this to say:

[...] Like always, expect us treating your money with respect.

We don't know what exactly will these transactions entail, but speculations seem to point towards cosmetic items. For more reliable information we will just have to wait for further statements from CD Projekt Red.

It’s good to see that the polish developers care for their long-time fans as well as their player base and quickly quell any concerns they might have regarding their next hit.

For anyone just as hyped as us here are some facts: The game is going to be released November 19, 2020, for PC, PS4, Xbox One and the Stadia. Versions for the PS5 and the Xbox X Series will be available in 2021.

Are you excited for Cyberpunk 2077? Let us know what game releases you're looking forward to on our Twitter and Facebook. Read up on other games such as Iron Harvest on EarlyGame.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....