Top 3 MTGA Standard Decks

Climb the ladder and win prizes! (Image credit: WoTC)

Today, we will take a look at the Top 3 MTGA Standard Decks currently dominating online tournaments and the Mythic ladder in Magic: The Gathering Arena.

It took Wizards of the Coast more than a month after the launch of the new set Zendikar Rising to get their sh*t straight and finally ban Omnath. Hey WotC, it only took the community less than a day of playing with the powerful creature to start calling for its ban, but I guess you're not known for speed and took forever to ban it.

After they banned the most overpowered creature card ever printed in MTG history, Standard was finally fixed and therefore finally worth writing about! Standard has opened up and many decks are now playable again. Three deck archetypes have distinguished themselves in Standard: control, aggro and mid-range.

MTGA Standard Deck: Rakdos Aggro

This deck uses discard effects and self-mill cards to fuel the very powerful escape card Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger. The rest of the cards in the deck enable this powerful escape-creature.

The Deck's weakness: cards that exile the graveyard.

MTGA Rakdosaggro
A discard and self-mill deck (Image credit: WoTC)

Let's take a look at a common version of the Rakdos Aggro decklist. As usual, MTGA Standard decks are always open to card changes and tweaks as long as you keep the core of the deck the same.

Deck design by "Butavo" – 1st Place in a Red Bull Untapped Qualifier. (Image credit: MTG Top 8)

MTGA Standard Deck: Gruul Adventures

This deck uses powerful adventure cards to keep pressuring the opponent with big creatures and card draw. The deck tries to end the game with the powerful card Embercleave.

The Deck's weaknesses: board clears and spot removal.

MTG Gruulaggro
Attack and draw cards, a simple but effective strategy. (Image credit: WoTC)

Let's take a look at a common version of the Gruul Adventures decklist. As usual, MTGA Standard decks are always open to card changes and tweaks as long as you keep the core of the deck the same.

Deck design by "Lloret" – 3rd Place in Red Bull Qualifier. (Image credit: MTG Top 8)

MTGA Standard Deck: UB Mill

This deck is from the MTGA 2020 World Championship and its pilot is the 2020 Mythic Champion, Seth Manfield.The deck can win in many different ways. It can kill the opponent with a fast draw of creatures, it can control the game with removal or if the first two ways don’t work, you can play defensively and mill the opponent to zero cards.

Drown in the Lock hits almost anything in the current standard format and is an all-star card in the deck. While it is a good deck on paper it is really hard to play because it is hard to know which way you should win the game. MTGA is a game that rewards sound strategic gameplay, better players simply win more and with this deck, it is not easy to figure that out.

U Bmill MTG
Attacking, killing, and milling! This Deck has it all! (Image credit: WoTC)

Let's take a look at a common version of the UB Mill decklist. As usual, MTGA Standard decks are always open to card changes and tweaks as long as you keep the core of the deck the same.

Deck design by "Manfield" – 5th Place in the 2020 World Championship. (Image credit: MTG Top 8)

The current standard metagame in MTGA changes literally every day. Any deck that can rank you up is arguably the best deck to play. Always keep in mind that sideboard cards can and should change based on what decks you think you will play against on that day. The purpose of the 15-card sideboard is to make a bad matchup better, a way to counter a card that is hard to beat. May your top decks be strong, and we’ll see you on the ladder!

EarlyGame is gaming news and esports. We often cover MTGA so check out the content we have to offer like The Arena Open Hits MTGA on October 31!

Paul Hayes

I did my BA in English Lit. and Language Studies at Western University in Canada and I use to play MTG competitively, but sadly to no success so I write instead! If a game doesn't challenge me, it's not the...