Na’Vi Sign FlyToMoon Dota 2 Squad

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Image credit: Natus Vincere via Twitter

Just a few days back Natus Vincere were left with only two players. Those are now gone too, as the organization signed the entire roster of FlyToMoon.

Na’Vi has been lacking results in the Dota 2 scene for quite some time. The team has now effectively replaced their entire roster. The old squad has been moved to inactive as Natus Vincere signed over the full roster of one of their competitors FlyToMoon. Technically it’s a trial for the duration of OGA Dota Pit Season 3 Europe/CIS and ESL One Germany but something tells us it might be more than that. In the meantime, Illias "illias" Ganeev and Alexander "Immersion" Hmelevskoy were benched and whether they'll return to active duty might depend on how well the new roster performs.

By signing over the lineup of FTM, the current Na’Vi Dota 2 roster is as follows:

  • Alik “V-Tune” Vorobey
  • Bogdan “Iceberg” Vasilenko
  • Victor “GeneRaL” Nigrini
  • Vladimir “RodjER” Nikogosyan
  • Andrey “ALWAYSWANNAFLY” Bondarenko

Two of the members have already played for Natus Vincere in the past, namely GeneRaL and RodjER. It’s an interesting coincidence that RodjER was signed over by FTM only a few days prior.

FlyToMoon took first place in the secondary (Divine) division of the recent OMEGA League. The team has also won two more events – The Maincast Winter Brawl and Parimatch League Season 2. Other than that, FTM usually had a high placement in most events they attended so Na’Vi’s choice is quite logical.

Natus Vincere COO, Aleksey “xaoc” Kucherov commented:

FTM has been playing together for quite a while without any contractual obligations, salaries and other benefits of the dota sphere, and yet they managed to maintain a high level of discipline within the team. They showed good results in many tournaments this year due to a well-established training process.This is exactly what the CIS-dota is lacking, where many professional players are looking for ways to play with friends or join them at their first call. These kinds of scenarios eliminate the prospect of building something long-term. Sooner or later all teams face issues, and it’s important to be able to find the strengths to deal with them instead of running away.Today we are glad to start our partnership with FlyToMoon and we will do our best to have our fans hyped with the team’s performance.

The team’s first challenge begins today in the OGA Dota Pit Season 3 Europe/CIS where they’ll have to face Team Nigma in the opening series for the event. The next big tournament for Na’Vi will be ESL One Germany, starting on October 5. There the number of teams and prize pool will be significantly larger – 16 teams and $400,000 in prize money.

What do you think about Na’Vi’s new squad? Will they finally find success? Share your opinion on our Facebook page!

Stay tuned for more Dota 2 news and check EarlyGame or the EarlyGame Youtube channel for everything gaming and esports.

Tasho Tashev

Law graduate from Sofia University turned gaming journalist. Gaming has always been a passion of mine since I was a kid (shocker I know) so it was only a matter of time before I started writing about it. My high-school...