New Call of Duty gameplay footage leaked

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Treyarch haven't said a word in regards to this. (Image credit: Treyarch)

Speculation for the next Call of Duty release has always been part of the process. Activision, Infinity Ward and Treyarch haven’t said anything on the matter yet, but an alleged gameplay leak might have just given us first glimpse at the upcoming CoD title.

Allegedly, over 45 minutes of pre-alpha gameplay footage has been leaked for the new Call of Duty, which is rumored to be called Black Ops: Cold War. Twitter user and semi-pro CoD player Christopher "Oog" Garcia was the first to post that he had just seen 45 minutes of gameplay. He deleted his Twitter account shortly after, though.

The full 45-minute video is nowhere to be found. All we have is a short 1:46 min video that surfaced and is currently making the rounds on the Internet. The video is currently on Reddit, but it can be deleted by Activision at any time.

Still looks like shit but here's the supposed 2020 Clip. from CoDCompetitive

According to Oog, the video shows playtesters walking over a new map called Tanks, which looks surprisingly colorful. Unfortunately, not much information can be drawn from the short clip, but neither the gun nor the map looks like the Cold War era, which comes in conflict with the established rumors.

The map doesn't seem to be fully rendered yet and we suspect that both the colorful textures and the weapon are just placeholders to test animations and interactions. There is one exciting piece of information: the clip shows running and crossing cover, but no sliding or other forms of "advanced movement" like wall runs or similar. Could we be back to glimpses of realism?

Activision and Treyarch have still not commented on the leaked video and like all leaks, it should be enjoyed with caution. However, Activision is apparently trying to erase traces of the 45-minute video, so there might just be some truth in this story.

As soon as there’s any sort of development here, we’ll tell you. The latest big Call of Duty news were not of the joyful type as Activision postponed Modern Warfare Season 4 indefinitely to give voice to the protests going on in the USA.