Bear-ly Survived: YouTuber Goes Viral For A Close Encounter With A Grizzlybear

Yes, their fluffy ears say "friend", but their giant teeth say otherwise. As influencer Stefan Janković recently discovered...

2024 09 20 10 30 news
Who's a good boy? | © Stefan Janković

Have you ever felt the great, irresistible urge to sit in a bear cave? Feeling alive again, searching for that adrenaline rush? No? Neither have I. Great, because then it's pretty unlikely you'll find yourself in the same situation as Croatian influencer Stefan Janković.

Face-to-Face With A Bear

His viral videos went viral after he filmed himself in a bear's den. His daring interactions with the wild animal have captivated millions. In his first viral video, Jankovic sat silently in the bear's cozy cave, waiting patiently for the animal to approach. As the bear approached, it huffed and puffed but showed no signs of aggression (good thing the cameraman never dies). The massive creature even came within inches of Jankovic's face, but the influencer remained calm.

In another encounter, Jankovic pushed the boundaries even further, feeding the bear from his hands - and even his mouth. "We became best friends," he said. I want to have a bear-st friend, too, to be honest. If you're looking for, let's say, a different kind of encounter with a bear, I recommend romancing Halsin in Baldur's Gate 3.

Johanna Goebel

Johanna is studying Online-Journalism in Cologne and has been travelling the gaming world since she was a toddler. Her heart beats for open-worlds, action or fantasy RPGs and third-person shooters with great storylines and (un)charming characters.
