Kingdom Hearts Series Has Gone Through Huge Changes According To Rumors

Kingdom Hearts is getting some form of movie or show, but it seems Disney can't decide what they want.

Kingdom hearts 4
Kingdom Hearts is coming to Disney+... eventually. | © Square Enix

Kingdom Hearts is one of the most expansive and complicated game franchises out there, only rivaled by Final Fantasy. Thanks to the inclusion of Disney, the games also had great potential to be turned into movies or shows, and it seems that's what is currently being discussed.

Though, there are a lot of issues, with Disney unable to make up their mind. Is Kingdom Hearts going to be a movie? A show? Live-Action?

Kingdom Hearts: Will We Get A Movie?

Kingdom hearts
Would you want it to be animated? | © Square Enix

Rumors surrounding a Kingdom Hearts movie have surfaced recently, with more people talking about an adaptation of the iconic PlayStation game. This isn't the first time though that fans are hearing about this. Back in 2020, a Kingdom Hearts show was announced, but it seems that Disney now has other plans.

Thanks to the huge success that was the Mario Bros. Movie, Disney has seemingly changed plans for their upcoming Kingdom Hearts show. TheDisInsider reports that the show has now become a movie instead. But fans should keep calm, because it's also not been greenlit yet, which could mean the project will just end in early development.

Kingdom Hearts Nintendo Switch
I would watch this show even if it was made for kids. | © Square Enix

With other video game adaptations gaining huge popularity though, like the recent Fallout series or Riot Games' Arcane, Disney has likely seen the dollar signs they could be making with a Kingdom Hearts adaptation.

So, while Disney is trying to find the right story to tell, it's also important to note that this isn't even the first attempt at turning the games into a show (or movie). Back in 2003 — when most of you were probably not even born yet — a pilot was shot. Unfortunately, the series never made it to air and fans are left wondering... what if.

Sabrina Ahn

Sabrina Ahn is the League of Legends and Riftfeed Lead. During her time at Concordia University in 2014 she fell in love with LoL and is playing it since – how she hasn't lost her sanity is still unclear....