Obo Benches Himself, Complexity Down to Four

Obo complexity
Complexity were bounced off in the DreamHack Open Fall Closed Qualifier after oBo bailed on them. (Image credit: StarLadder)

Complexity Gaming were hit by sudden unpleasant news. Youngster Owen "oBo" Schlatter just left the team in the middle of a qualifier, leaving his teammates in no man's land and effectively causing Complexity's elimination from DreamHack Open Fall.

Obo Acts as 17-Year-Olds Do

Complexity Gaming were supposed to participate in the DreamHack Open Fall Closed Qualifier, starting today, September 22, in an attempt to break into the main stage of the event. What they did not account for is losing one of their players hours before the opening match.

17-year-old oBo had told the team, based in Europe currently, he plans on going back home to the United States after the ESL Pro League Season 12 Grand Finals, which are scheduled for September 29-October 4. Apparently, the youngster found it difficult to be away from home for so long and with no end to the coronavirus measures in sight, it is understandable that someone might choose family over profession.

The part that makes the boy look like, well - a boy, is that he suddenly switched moods and instead of staying with his mates until the preset date, flew his way back to USA hours prior to CoL's first DreamHack Open Fall Closed Qualifier match vs. sAw. This put the team in the unfavorable position of being forced to play with coach Jamie "keita" Hall in the lineup. Predictably, they lost twice in a row - to sAw and then to Sj, bombing out of the tournament.

What raises further criticism are the rumors of oBo returning to America early in order to arrange a move to Cloud9. So far there are only whispers, but whispers often turn into screams in the CS:GO world, so we shall wait and see.

As for Complexity, they have five days to find a replacement for oBo. Even if they had expected to be in this situation eventually, getting there nearly two weeks earlier is something that will make the process much more difficult It is likely that we're going to see CoL with a temporary stand-in at the ESL Pro League finals, the organization's CEO Jason Lake confessed.

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