Origen End a 2:0 Week with Victory over Misfits Gaming

O Gv MSF 1807 BG
Image credit: Riot Games

Origen end the week 2:0 after a victory against Misfits Gaming. Should we be hopeful for this new roster?

Origen and Misfits Gaming clashed in a game that would have a lot of impact in the middle of the table - and while Origen was coming hot off an impressive win over G2 and Misfits Gaming had a harrowing loss to Fnatic, both teams were eager to end the week with a win. Once they came to the Rift, however, Origen quickly got a lead off a 3-minute first blood where Andrei "Xerxe" Dragomir caught his counterpart Iván "Razork" Martín Díaz. Misfits soon found themselves at a significant gold deficit and it only got worse once the teamfights started. At the 20-minute mark OG had a 7K gold lead and over the next few minutes, they slowly continued pushing Misfits back, giving them no chances to get back in the game - until the Baron.

Origen eventually committed to the objective, but did not manage to keep Razork away from the pit and left the Baron too low - only for the Spanish jungler to steal it from under their noses. Yet instead of waiting the buff out, Origen pushed in.Misfits desperately defended their base, but after the buff expired, OG pushed in, got two inhibitors and powered on for the win. With this, Origen are now standing at 6:5 and are on a two-game winning streak with their new support Jakub "Jactroll" Skurzyński - and just as importantly, they are now 1:1 with Misfits, a team that could be a playoff rival.

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