Origen outplay G2 Esports to get on the board

G2vs OG BG1306
Image credit: Riot Games

The spring split champions stumbled against an Origen who fired on all cylinders.

Origen is a team that was often seen on the borderline of the European elite - especially now with their loss to SK Gaming on Friday. When they faced off against reigning LEC champions G2 Esports, it was hard to take them as anything but the underdog. Yet Origen had tripped that opponent before - could they do it again?

The game started with an early flub from G2, as what looked like a great early gank by Marcin "Jankos" Jankowski failed when Origen AD Carry Elias "Upset" Lipp landed a clutch root under tower that netted him the first kill. OG’s own early ganks bore fruit in both side lanes and soon the team had a total gold lead of 2.5K gold and 3:0 Gangplank for on star top laner Barney "Alphari" Morris.

G2 slowed down the game as the mid-game started and looked to go on the attack, but 22 minutes in Origen got a 3:0 in an extended fight then endured the poke from the remaining opponents to take the Baron, then took one more kill on the way out despite several low-health members. G2 defended themselves well and kept their base from being breached, but they were given no chances to come back in the game. An attempt to encircle Origen 28 minutes in backfired when they got two quick kills that set them up for a cloud soul and a second Baron. With it, they executed a clean 1:3:1 push, got all three inhibitors down and engaged on G2 for a game-winning 3:1 fight.

It was an impressive win for OG and dispelled much of the uncertainty around the team’s strength after their opening loss. G2 had their moments, but their early deficits in both top and bottom proved too much to bear. If Origen remains in this form, the summer split can be very exciting.

Check out our previous coverage of the LEC:

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