GTÜ x Rocket Beans TV: Drive Away – The Grand Prix of Quickborn

Rocket Beans x GTÜ
The Rocket Beans are ready for the Grand Prix of Quickborn! | © Rocket Beans

GTÜ presents "Drive Away – The Grand Prix of Quickborn", a unique "Remote Controlled Car" Tournament, together with Rocket Beans TV. GTÜ and Rocket Beans TV? What's going on here? We have all the details on what is probably the wackiest event on the German streaming scene.

GTÜ has teamed up with Rocket Beans TV. You know, Ede, Simon, Nils, Budi... The guys from GIGA and Game One (Game Two for our younger readers). For those of you who can't relate: Rocket Beans TV is a 24 hour gaming and entertainment stream. They cover everything from casual gaming, to Esports and speedruns, to soccer, movies and series, and their own innovative formats.

But enough with the pre-show banter, let's get to the event in question!

GTÜ Presents: Drive Away – The Grand Prix of Quickborn

On Saturday, July 31, 2021, GTÜ presents: "Drive Away – The Grand Prix of Quickborn", probably the coolest "Remote Controlled Car" tournament in Germany, at the RC Glass House in Quickborn. The location is the first hall specialized in remote control events, with a large selection of tracks and rental cars on site.

Here, a total of two teams of four will compete against each other. One of the teams will be provided by Rocket Beans, and will have to compete against a second influencer team. The announcement of the participating beans and influencers will take place at a later date via social media. The spectacle will be broadcast on the Rocket Beans livestream, and the event will be hosted by Lars Eric Paulsen and Michael Krogmann, who most of you will also know from Rocket Beans. We expect entertainment at the highest level, and a lot of Krogi nonsense!

So far, the exact Rocket Beans team is not yet known, will the original beans be there? | © Rocket Beans

Why GTÜ, and what does it have to do with gaming?

Some of you might be wondering: "What is GTÜ anyway?" GTÜ is Germany's largest officially recognized monitoring organization of freelance automotive experts, and performs about 4.66 million general inspections per year (on cars, that is, no idea what you're thinking of). So the next time you need a new sticker on your car, you now know who is responsible for it.

But why are they presenting such an event now? GTÜ wants to position itself in another target group-related environment, in order to make its brand better-known among a younger target group. They are already represented in Esports, with their own SimRacing junior team, Eifel Racing, and want to further expand their involvement in the gaming and entertainment industry with this "Remote Controlled Car" tournament. With Rocket Beans TV, they have found the perfect partner.

What does the whole thing have to do with EarlyGame and gaming itself? Well, maybe you've already taken a look at our German Rocket League section... Then you've probably noticed the GTÜ logo, and well, remote controlled cars. Rocket Beans... Rocket League... ring a bell? We can't reveal too much yet, but you can certainly imagine what kind of gaming-like game modes you could emulate with remote controlled cars.

Mark your calendars for July 31, and follow GTÜ and EarlyGame on social media for more info...

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This article was originally written by Lukas Ballat.

Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...