Rocket League: Sizz Banned from RLCS X Semifinals, Insulted Psyonix

Rocket league sizz
Sizz has been banned from coaching NRG Esports in the RLCS X Semifinals. (Credit: Psyonix / Sizz)

NRG Coach Emiliano "Sizz" Benny has been disqualified from participating in the North American RLCS X Championship Semifinals match after he insulted Psyonix staff. As a coach of a major Esports Rocket League team, Sizz was deemed in violation of the competition's code of conduct. What happened to Sizz, what did Sizz do to deserve such a disqualification?

Rocket League's Sizz has behaved in violation of the RLCS X code of conduct, according to a recent competitive ruling. The ruling declared that Sizz would not participate in the NA RLCS X Semifinals on June 17 due to an on-stream incident earlier this month.

Do you want to learn more about the RLCS X? Here's a few articles to get you started...

Why Did Sizz Get Banned?

During an Intel World Open match, Sizz attacked Psyonix for the constant network issues and lag that continues to plague Rocket League even seven years after its launch. To be fair... Sizz is kinda right. It is bloody ridiculous that this is even a discussion – how has this not been solved? The thing is... it was a pretty intense roast. He called them "Brainless Monkeys"! Check out the full clip on Twitch.

This is f***ing garbage dude, I just want one f***ing useless f***ing member of Psyonix — one of those useless f***ing employees — to sit and watch my stream, and be like ‘yeah, this looks normal to me... I hope one of these useless f***s is watching my stream, just one of them. A company full of f***ing brainless monkeys

Boy, oh boy. This guy is not particularly great at insults. Seriously? F-word this, f-word that, do you know any other words, bro? I mean, the brainless monkey thing was kind of funny. Also: is this really what you're going to spend your energy on? Complaining about a lag? Well, hopefully he enjoyed the rant... because a competitive ruling came down from Rocket League Esports, and Sizz has been banned from the RLCS X Semifinals.

Competitive Ruling - Sizz from RocketLeague

Are Psyonix "Brainless Monkeys?"

No, Psyonix are not "Brainless Monkeys", and they also don't really deserve such a brutal take down. I mean, if it was about Season 3, then they do deserve a bit of criticism. Oh, and the complaint in question is also pretty legit: Psyonix should probably get their bollocks together and fix the servers. Anyway, it was a pretty unimaginative take down, and not really anything to be excited about. Kind of a nothing-event, a one-man whinge, followed by a company-wide whinge about the one-man whinge. People really need to find something better to do...

What Happened Next After Rocket League's Sizz Ban?

Well, people are expectedly unhappy, with Sizz's ban causing high-profile NRG pro player GarrettG to post a comedic Tweet about the ban. It was pretty amusing, with a picture of Sizz with a mustache, introduced as "le sízz". Check it out:

Anyway, that's kind of enough talk about whiny people complaining. Sizz will be back as coach for the RLCS X Grand Finals (assuming that NRG make it that far), and everything will be fine. Stop complaining guys, seriously, gamer "rages" went out of fashion like five years ago now... get with the times!

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Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...