Rocket League Tuna No Crust Player Title: Price & Details

rocket league tuna no crust
What is the Rocket League "Tuna No Crust" player title? How much does it cost? | © Psyonix

The Rocket League Tuna No Crust player title is finally available, with the release of the Fast & Furious bundles. As part of Rocket League Season 3, the Tuna No Crust player title is separate from the other items included in the new Fast & Furious bundles. What is Rocket League Tuna No Crust, what's its price, and should you check it out?

Well, you have to admit: Tuna with a crust, that sounds a little disgusting, doesn't it? A crust implies that the tuna is dry, and dry tuna is a travesty! Tuna should be as moist as an oyster, soft and squishy, a little salty, and just generally delicious. Psyonix seem to understand this, having released the new Rocket League Tuna No Crust player title alongside its Fast & Furious bundles. What on earth is this?

Ladies and gentlemen, the Fast & Furious bundles have finally been released, and we can bask in their glory! Here's everything you need to get up to speed...

What is the Rocket League Tuna No Crust?

The Rocket League Tuna No Crust is a new player title that has been added alongside the Fast & Furious content that was release on June 17. It's a pretty humorous player title, a reference to the famous Tuna Scene from the original Fast & Furious film. In the scene, Paul Walker orders a Tuna Sandwich with – you guessed it – no crust. Oh, and he chats up the girl, of course. It's an iconic scene, and a pretty funny thing to be included in Rocket League – we're certainly not complaining, to be clear. Check out the scene!

What is the Rocket League Tuna No Crust Price?

The Rocket League Tuna No Crust player title is free to all Rocket League players, and accessible through the Item Store. You can unlock the Tuna No Crust without needing to purchase any of the three different Fast & Furious bundles, which is pretty neat! All you need to do is jump onto the Rocket League Item Store, find the Rocket League Tuna No Crust, and claim it. Once you've done that: voila! You're ready to impress the ladies, just like Paul Walker... well maybe not... that guy was pretty hot... RIP.

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Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...