Rogue come back to win 3-1 LEC playoff series

LEC playoffs rogue
Image credit: Riot Games

Rogue started off the wrong foot in their LEC playoff series against Misfits but quickly found their groove to turn the series around. With this, the team continues their fight for the cup and next weekend, they will be facing Origen.

Game 1: Flying start for Misfits

Rogue came in hot in the opening game, attempting a towerdive just 2 minutes in. However, the arrival of Iván “Razork” Martín Díaz’s Sejuani turned the fight around and instead, it was Misfits who got two kills and an early advantage.

Rogue tried to come back with their stronger early-game composition but a series of teamfights going against them only set them further behind. Misfits dominated the map in the mid game, boasting three dragons and taking Rogue’s mid inhibitor by the 20-minute mark.

Misfits were on the Baron almost as soon as it spawned. When Rogue came to contest, they broke off to fight, eventually returning to secure the objective alongside three kills. When the team secured ocean soul 23 minutes the writing was on the wall.

Misfits were on point and when a desperate play by Rogue five minutes later fizzled, they took four quick kills and ended the game.

Game 2: Rogue strike back

Despite the smackdown in the first round, Rogue did not give up and found a much better start to Game 2. After ten bloodless minutes, Kacper “Inspired” Słoma took two kills in the top lane to give his team the lead. Misfits struck back with a double kill for Fabian “Febiven” Diepstraten but they slowly fell behind in gold as the mid-game progressed.

Misfits opted to contest an ocean drake 23 minutes in to keep their hopes of an ocean soul alive. However, Rogue jumped AD carry Ju “Bvoy” Yeong-hoon from a bush and quickly routed their opponents before securing a Baron.

Misfits turtled into their base and tried to scale before choosing to contest another Baron around the 32-minute mark. While they almost killed Steven “Hans Sama” Liv, they eventually found themselves surrounded in the enemy jungle.

Rogue took a clean 5-0 ace in the teamfight and dashed for the enemy base, taking the nexus to equalize the series.

Game 3: Match point for Rogue

Misfits started the third game in a much better position. Bvoy’s Aphelios was the recipient of two kills just four minutes in as his jungler and top laner ganked the exposed Hans Sama and Oskar “Vander” Bogdan.

However, Rogue countered with a focus on the top lane where Finn “Finn” Wiestål’s Kled soon took over with a kill and an assist, even getting his team a gold lead by taking the first tower. Once more, Rogue played well with a lead, slowly growing their advantage and looking for a weakness.

A long dance around the middle of the map resulted in Misfits splitting to find a flank – only for Rogue to engage and smash their backline in an extended ace. That let them secure the baron and open up a 10K gold lead. Misfits were down to one inhibitor when they finally won a fight, but it only kept their Nexus alive.

Minions pouring into the Misfits base meant they were unable to contest for the next Baron and with it, Rogue took three inhibitors and ended the game.

Game 4: The last stand

With Rogue now on match point, both teams played a safe early game.

Yet, Misfits slowly got a series of minor advantages and ended the first 15 minutes with two dragons and a roughly 1.5K gold lead. While Rogue had some good moves, Misfits secured a quick third dragon and took several objectives to keep a small lead in the mid game.

A bloody fight 25 minutes in started with Misfits engaging and Rogue seemingly turning the fight around, only to lose three. Misfits went for the dragon, but then a great 2v3 contest by Rogue got them and denied the dragon.

The teams were nearly equal for some 10 minutes but Rogue started inching ahead due to better scaling. At 37 minutes in, they found the right flank to take out the enemy carries and secured the Baron.

Misfits were now on the ropes and tried to contest the Infernal drake. However, once more Finn’s Renekton would find his way to Bvoy and take him down, leaving Misfits with too little damage to fight. Rogue secured three more kills and that was all they needed to win the game and end the series.

With this loss, Misfits are now out of the playoffs, while Rogue continue in the loser’s bracket. Next Friday, they will take on Origen, who lost their bout against Fnatic. Saturday brings us the winner semifinal between Fnatic and the sensation of the split MAD Lions, who took down G2 in an epic 3:2 series.


If you are looking for more high-level European League of Legends in the meantime, check our guide on the EU Masters which started on April 6.