Rogue fend off Origen challenge

O Gv Rog BG 0307
Image credit: Riot Games

Rogue are "Baby Origen" no more. Early pressure and a clean mid-game let the students surpass the masters, at least today.

Origen came into the game as a team with something to prove, as despite their good performance in the Spring split they occasionally struggled - and in the summer split they became less reliable. Rogue themselves had a chip on their shoulder after last week’s loss to MAD Lions which saw them step back from a joint first place.

The early game saw Rogue get an early lead off their objective pressure and the team would mount several jungle invades and pressure towers for a 1.5K gold lead just 10 minutes in. Origen’s sole point of advantage lay as usual in the top lane, where after a 1:1 13 minutes in Barney "Alphari" Morris on Gangplank. held a significant lead over his counterpart’s Wukong. However, one scaling top laner was not enough and Rogue ruthlessly exploited their advantage to secure a 5:0 lead in towers and a 4K gold advantage just 18 minutes in. Origen tried to slow the game down and scale and managed to keep the lead from growing.

29 minutes in, they looked to have finally found their fight when they found two kills and went for the Baron, but despite taking two more they misplayed the end and allowed Steven "Hans sama" Liv to steal the buff with his Syndra. With this, Rogue were back on the offense. Despite a spirited defense, Origen were slowly being pushed back, but after some 45 minutes of play Rogue managed to catch and kill Alphari and ended the game shortly afterwards.

This was a lot closer than Rogue could initially expect, but despite Origen having moments of good defensive play, their early lane advantage and inability to secure the Baron ended up being too much. For their own part, Rogue played a fairly clean game with great vision and controlled the map, forcing the game type that worked so well for Origen in the spring.

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