Rogue Retain Top Spot in LEC with Win against Excel Esports

Rogv XL1807
Image credit: Riot Games

Excel’s splitpushing strategy kept the game close until almost the end, but all it took Rogue was one good punch to knock them out.

The second game of the evening saw standings leaders Rogue take on an Excel Esports fresh off a loss to Rogue’s current rival, MAD Lions. The UK team started the game well with a jungle advantage an a kill on the enemy AD carry Steven "Hans sama" Liv. While Rogue took the first tower, the positional, low-kill game saw both teams stay virtually even well into the mid-game, even after Rogue took a key fight 20 minutes in that resulted in three kills. While they quickly showed they have the superior teamfighting, Excel’s map mobility and pick-oriented strategy enabled them to stay close. The team maneuvered around each other in a very fluid game where Excel tried to pull their opponents apart and split push while Rogue looked for the decisive fight.

Around the 33-minute mark, the British organization committed to a fight only to see it turn against them. They killed the enemy support only to lose four in return and with long death timers, Rogue went for the Nexus and secured the win. With it, they retain their first spot, though MAD Lions can still equalize their score.Excel, meanwhile, find themselves slipping behind and are now with a 4:7 record.

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