Rogue Sweep MAD Lions to Continue LEC Playoff Run

Rogv MAD Bg
The LEC team with Larssen. Image credit: Riot Games

Rogue dominated the clash between the two top teams from the regular split. Despite getting smashed by Fnatic in their previous series, they overpowered MAD Lions in a 3-0 series and will face G2 Esports for a spot in the finals.

The last LEC playoff series of the weekend saw the two teams that led the LEC during the regular split - Rogue and MAD Lions - face off.

Rogue Snowball Early Game to Win Game 1

The first game saw Rogue get an early lead after a mistake by Zhiqiang "Shad0w" Zhao on Lee Sin resulted in a first blood and the blue buff for Emil "Larssen" Larsson’s Lucian. He soon extended his lead by successful roams, leading to a big advantage for his team.

Rogue continued winning the teamfights and 19 minutes in they got four kills to establish control over the middle of the map. They secured another teamfight and the Baron two minutes later, extending their gold advantage to over 8K, and soon took the first inhibitor of the game. Shortly afterward, they took a 2:0 teamfight in the enemy base and ended the game

A God Start Not Enough for MAD in Game 2

MAD had a better start in the second game, killing Steven "Hans sama" Liv, but Rogue quickly struck back and got the kill lead. Despite being behind in gold early, they slowly wrestled control of the map, getting close to a cloud soul 22 minutes in. MAD were able to secure the next two dragons, but the second time it came at the cost of their jungler and Rogue took the Baron instead. 36 minutes in, MAD took down both enemy carries and ended the game soon afterward to get to match point.

Larssen Breaks Down MAD’s Resistance

The two teams had a scrappy early game in game three as well, though this time Rogue was the team with the early game lead after getting the first tower and several teamfight wins. They continued pressing MAD across the map, getting their fifth tower just 17 minutes in. MAD were able to find several picks, however, and for a time kept the lead from growing - until a kill on Shad0w resulted in a Baron and inhibitor for Rogue. The former rookies defended their base well, but had no margin for error.

It all ended 33 minutes in when MAD pushed Rogue away once again when Larssen committed to the play. His Azir smashed the fight and Rogue pushed to win the game and take the series.

It was a decisive win for Rogue, who quickly rebounded after their loss to Fnatic to secure a top 3 spot and a showdown with G2 Esports for the second spot in the final. With this loss, MAD Lions are locked in fourth place, which means they get a play-in spot for Worlds 2020.


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