Should you buy FIFA points?

Buy fifa points
FIFA points could get you the big names in the game. (Image credit: EA)

In a quest to give you a better understanding of FIFA points, we explained what they are and how they can be used in the first part of this article. Now, we’ll get a bit opinion-based and try to give you some insight on whether or not you should spend your real-life money on the virtual currency.

The worth and the cost of FIFA points

So, basically, FIFA points are an in-game currency for which you spend your (or your parents’) real-life money. This dollar spending might improve your FIFA Ultimate Team squad. It certainly gives you a better shot at it, but there are no guarantees. And that’s something worth focusing on, because it ultimately, pun intended, it all comes down to whether you’re willing to gamble your own cash on the possibility of a benefit.

There are many who think, or thought, they’re ok with that deal. Until they weren’t. The most recent of many, many cases of EA getting questioned over the nature of FUT came just last month in the form of an actual lawsuit. Said lawsuit pledged for the game mode and the mechanics behind it to be classified as gambling, something that’s been mentioned after every new case of someone suddenly realizing that they’ve spent hundreds or even thousands of bucks on FIFA without getting the return they expected. And trust me, there are many such cases.

So before you stick your hand in your wallet, make sure you are really, really, really certain you wish to do so, because more likely than not, your own lawsuit will simply cost you some more cash without anything to show for it.

The question whether FIFA includes outright gambling is going to be raised forever, or at least until it is declared as such. Which already happened in Belgium, mind you. But that’s none of this article’s concern. We’ve got what we’ve got right now. And what we’ve got is a free choice to spend additional money on the game in hopes of better results. You know, kind of like real-life investments.

Gambling or not, FIFA points, coins and FUT in general aren’t the Devil. No one’s forcing anyone to buy anything. Can FIFA points make your FUT squad better? Yes. Will they make your FUT squad better? Unknown. Are you going to buy FIFA points? That’s entirely up to you, my man.

Just don’t put yourself in a position where you need a lawyer. If you’re so intent on having the best FUT roster possible and FIFA points are your weapon of choice, you better be ready to live with a few hundred dollars less in your life. If not, sticking to good ol’ coins should be the route preferred.