Gyeongseong Creature Season 2 On Netflix: Expected Release Date, Cast & More

The cliffhanger of all cliffhangers at the end of the first season made it basically inevitable: Gyeongseong Creature has been renewed by Netflix! Here's everything you need to know about season 2, including the expected release date, cast and more.

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Gyeongseong Creature has been renewed for season 2! | © Netflix

Spoiler warning: if you haven't seen the finale of the first season yet, you might want to leave and catch up on the show.

Netflix bamboozled fans with Gyeongseong Creature's finale, turning a heart-breaking, but solid finale into sequel bait in the post-credit scene. People didn't have to deal with uncertainty for long: just a few days after the finale aired, Netflix announced season 2 of Gyeongseong Creature. Let the horrors continue!

Gyeongseong Creature Season 2 | Expected Release Date

While it's a relief for fans of the K-drama that the shocking cliffhanger will get resolved in a second season and the implications aren't up to everyone's imagination, people probably will have to be patient to find out what's up with... all that (we'll get into possible explanations in a sec, promise!).

Other than confirming that yes, the story will continue, Netflix has remained rather tight-lipped – no release date to be reported as of now. The first season took around a year to make its way onto Netflix. Going off that information, we can guesstimate that Gyeongseong Creature Season 2 could make it to the streaming service by early 2025.

And 2025 can't come soon enough – there are lots of questions waiting for an answer!

What Does Gyeongseong Creature's Ending Mean For Season 2?

Gyeongseong Creature girl
Bye, 1945 Gyeongseong and hello, 2024 Seoul | © Netflix

The post-credit scene from the first season's finale shocked fans all over the world. Quick recap: Ongseong Hospital is destroyed and the death of some beloved characters was something to be accepted. The ending would have been solid – tragic, yes, but satisfying to end the show on.

The showrunners and writers weren't ready to say their goodbyes, though. Time-jumping a few decades into the future from 1945 to 2024 in the last seconds of the first season, there he stands: a man named Ho-jae (are you sure about that?), looking exactly like Tae-sang back in 1945.

The theory that this person is just a descendant of his, striking a truly remarkable resemblance to his supposed (great?) grandfather, is quickly shut down after we see the scar. It seems like we'll get into some immortality shenanigans in the second season!

Director Chung Dong-yoon has also already confirmed that there will be a clear change in the new season:

"Season 2 presents a story with a completely different charm. The change in space and time period will provide a clear distinction, offering an expanded universe feel."

While the time period may change, as well as the name of the city (the show won't suddenly be called Seoul Creature, though) some things still remain the same – including both leads.

Both Lead Actors Return For Gyeongseong Creature's Second Season

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Please, enlighten us... What does that mean? | © Netflix

While Chae-ok seemingly died at the end of season 1, it has been confirmed that actress Han So-hee returns in the second season along with her co-star Park Seo-jun.

That could mean a few things, and the descendant theory is not off the table just yet. Park Seo-jun will play Ho-jae, regardless of whether that is actually Tae-sang in disguise or not. Han So-hee returning has other implications: did Chae-ok survive the destruction of the hospital? Is she only going to return in flashbacks and doesn't actually make it to modern day Seoul? Or, are we getting into time-travelling or immortality with the two of them?

Both actors have teased the "upcoming character developments and emotional depth of the upcoming season", so I'll take a wild guess here and just say it: I don't think they'd be hinting at things like that if the second season follows some descendants of them and introduces a set of new characters with remarkable genetics in the family.

How all of this will turn out will only be answered once the second season comes out, though-. Of course, we'll make sure to keep you updated!

Tanja Haimerl

Tanja is obsessed with gripping stories in all kinds of media: games, TV shows and books alike. She did her Bachelor's thesis on The Last of Us, got her degree in media studies thanks to that and can't stop talking about it....