SK Gaming Rise up to Defeat Rogue

S Kv Rogue0108 bg
Image credit: Riot Games

A key victory for SK Gaming against Rogue cements the German squad as one of the better teams in Europe and all but secures a playoff spot for the venerable organization.

With a 11-3 record and a joint first place, Rogue were coming as clear favorites into their game with SK Gaming. However, SK was no stranger to taking down favorites - and in fact were one of the only three teams so far to defeat MAD Lions, the other first place team.Rogue took the early lead with kills in the top and bot lane in the first seven minutes and retained that advantage throughout the early game. SK secured the third drake 16 minutes in, but SK got 3 kills in return. However, the dragon secure paid off five minutes later when jungler Kim "Trick" Gang-yun stole the dragon from underneath Rogue to give his team an early mountain soul.

Rogue killed him and immediately went for Baron - only for Dirk "ZaZee" Mallner’s Syndra to steal that as well. SK pushed in with the two major buffs and took an inhibitor and all turrets from outside of the base. Rogue remained a powerful splitpushing threat, but 27 minutes in, the teams had to show up and fight for the Elder drake.

Despite a Ryze flank, SK smashed Rogue in that fight, securing three kills and the Elder dragon buff. With it, they immediately pushed forward, ending the game before the respawns could come.

With this loss, Rogue is now at a risk of falling to second place if MAD Lions defeat Vitality. However, they still have a 3-game lead against any other team and will most likely remain in the top 2. SK, meanwhile, are now in the top 4 with a 8-7 record and next week they face G2 Esports, Fnatic and Origen.

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