Sting Like a Bee: Team Vitality Win Rematch with Origen

O Gv Vit2507 BG
Image credit: Riot Games

Vitality once again take Origen down to derail their winning streak. Jactroll looked great last week, but against his former team he was a liability.

It was a time of reckoning for Origen, who had a chance to solidify their position in the upper part of the table with a win against Team Vitality. The clash was even spicier considering a lot of OG’s success last week was on the shoulders of their new support Jakub "Jactroll" Skurzyński, a long-time Vitality player. And while Jactroll might have felt invincible last week, his old teammates would prove to be his kryptonite in the early game. He died twice in the first 12 minutes and the won fights gave Vitality a lead as the mid-game started.

Origen looked for ways to get back into the game but an attempt to catch jungler Duncan "Skeanz" Marquet backfired as the rest of his team collapsed. Despite having a numerical advantage in much of the fight, Origen lost four kills, falling further behind. They managed to delay the soul buff with an infernal drake 26 minutes into the game. Two minutes later they lost their support and jungler after a face check in the river, however, and had to concede the Baron.

Origen had to find picks and scale, but between Vitality’s fed carries and a stellar Bard play by Jactroll’s replacement Labros "labrov" Papoutsakis, their efforts fell flat. Vitality secured a second Baron after yet another won fight and took two inhibitors before withdrawing. Origen had to chase or concede an Elder drake, but instead their opponents caught them in the jungle, got three kills and ended the game.While Team Vitality is outwardly near the bottom of the table, with a 5-7 record they are within touching distance of a playoff spot - and just as it happens, they now hold the head-to-head advantage against Origen, a possible competitor.

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