LoL Patch 10.1 Teamfight Tactics in brief

Riot Games Teamfight Tactics Patch 10 1 Header2
LoL Patch 10.1 Teamfight Tactics (Image credit: Riot Games)

LoL Patch 10.1 is out. Let’s get you up to speed on what's changed in Teamfight Tactics. Shall we, Summoner?

TFT Patch 10.1: In Brief

In a previous article I wrote, we said we will be dubbing the name PIB (Patch In Brief) to give you a very quick rundown on the latest patch notes for LoL. Naturally, this extends to Teamfight Tactics. You’ll always have a link to the full, detailed patch notes provided by Riot Games, should you be crazy about the numbers specifically. The idea here is to give you the rundown asap, rocky. So, let’s continue, Summoner.

New Champions

Trait: Lunar

  • Every 7 seconds, your team gains Critical Strike Chance, Critical Strike Damage, and Spell Power. (Stacks up to 4 times)


  • Tier 1
  • Class: Warden
  • Health: 650/1170/2106
  • Armor: 40
  • Attack Damage: 50/90/162
  • Attack Speed: 0.55
  • Mana: 50/100
  • Ability: Lunar Barrier – Leona significantly reduces all damage done to her.


  • Tier 3
  • Class: Mystic
  • Health: 600/1080/1944
  • Armor: 20
  • Attack Damage: 50/90/162
  • Attack Speed: 0.7
  • Mana: 75/100
  • Ability: Inspire – At the start of combat, Karma tethers to her closest ally. Karma shields the tethered ally (or a random one if the tether is dead) for 5 seconds.

New Little Legends

Tft patch 10 1 new little legends
Left to right: Flutterbug, Tocker, Craggle (Image credit: Riot Games)

Flutterbug, Tocker and Craggle have been added into the game. Aren’t they adorable?

Champion Balance

Tier 1

  • Vayne Health: Increased
  • Vayne Ability Damage (Percentage of Max Health): Increased
  • Warwick Mana: Reduced
  • Warwick Ability Damage: Increased

Tier 2

  • Jax Health: Increased
  • Jax Attack Damage Increased
  • Malzahar's Minion Attack Damage: Increased
  • Neeko Total Mana: Reduced
  • Senna Ability Ally Damage: Increased
  • Skarner Shield Bonus Attack Speed: Increased
  • Syndra Total Mana: Reduced
  • Varus Ability Damage: Increased

Tier 3

  • Aatrox Health: Increased
  • Aatrox Ability Damage: Increased
  • Azir Spell Damage: Increased
  • Nocturne Attack Speed: Reduced
  • Nocturne Attack Damage: Reduced
  • Qiyana Stun Duration: Reduced
  • Qiyana Ability Damage: Increased
  • Sivir Ability Duration: Reduced

Tier 4

  • Annie's Tibbers Attack Damage: Increased
  • Twitch Ability Attack Damage Ratio: Reduced

Tier 5

  • Amumu Stun Duration: Reduced
  • Amumu Ability Damage: Reduced
  • Amumu Starting/Total Mana: Increased
  • Master Yi Ability Bonus Damage: Increased
  • Nami Ability Damage: Reduced

Bug Fixes

  • Untargetable units can no longer be impacted by crowd control.
  • Fixed a bug where Annie could start gaining mana again after summoning two Tibbers then having one of them die.

In Conclusion

With Riot finally fixing the Annie bug in LoL patch 10.1, this makes dealing with her much easier than before. The addition of Leona and Karma are a wonderful mix to experiment with. I’m keen to see how the professional LoL players use them and in what way.

While I’m having fun with the Lunar Trait, I’m fully confident Riot will be changing the numbers soon – it seems like an element that can be used with any class and might create some imbalance issues, if not major ones.

The Tier changes in Patch 10.1 are welcome and will bring some much-needed balance between each tier. Well, what are you waiting for? Jump into Teamfight Tactics and give them a try! Still here? Be sure to check out the detailed patch notes here.

Sam Batty
Sam Batty