Teamfight Tactics: Fates – Set 4 Overview

Tft set 4 EN
We can expect old and new faces - but above all, completely new mechanics! (Image credit: Riot Games)

Set 2 was about the elements and how they changed the board and influenced the course of the game. In Set 3 we traveled to the most diverse galaxies and took advantage of what the universe offered us. But this time everything is different. In Set 4 of Teamfight Tactics, the focus is not on the board, but on the champions themselves! We present: TFT Set 4 - Fates.

Patch 10.19 will be released on September 16 and with it Set 4 will go live on the TFT servers. There is already some information about what's waiting for us in terms of new content and since that's not so little, we have summarized everything at a glance for you here.

The New Mechanic: Chosen

Chosen Garen
This is what chosen champions look like. (source: Riot Games)

Occasionally you will be offered a Chosen Champion in your store. These champions are already at 2-star level, and cost three times the normal 1-star price. So in that sense, they don't cost extra gold, but they offer much, much more than the normal 2-star champion! One of the traits of the champion (origin or class) counts as 2 of them! Similar to the Avatar Trait of Lux in Set 2, if you remember.

But if this was not enough - the HP of the chosen champion is increased by 200 and since all good things come in threes, they get one of these bonuses on top:

  • 500 HP
  • 35% increased ability DMG
  • 50 AD
  • 25% less mana

Let's call that Value, shall we! We have the feeling that such a chosen champion will make short work of the "normals" - no matter whom they face.

For example, if you look at the picture above, you will see a Garen in its "Chosen Form". If you buy it, it is immediately at 2 stars AND gives you 2 points of the Vangaurd Trait. And by the way, it has 700 additional HP - just SO powerful!

The Gameplay in Set 4

As you can imagine, everything revolves around your chosen champion. The goal is to get the maximum power out of them. To achieve this, you align your whole team and play as many traits as possible to benefit your "carry". But be careful!Once you have bought a chosen champion, no one else will appear as chosen in your store. Only when you sell it again, other champions can be chosen again and you don't know when you will find the next one. So, in Set 4, it's all about making the right decision at the right time. Do you try to win as many games as possible in the Early Game and build your team directly around a Tier 1 or 2 champion, or do you try to find a Tier 4 or 5 champion in the Late Game?Making the right decision is the key to victory, and you won't often find exactly the champion you want as the chosen one. So, Riot makes sure you have to adapt and rewards players who can handle any situation and improvise well.

Do you want to learn more about what is already known about new traits and champions? No problem, you can find everything here.

We find the new mechanic Chosen to be extremely interesting and are curious to see how strong the new Carries really are and can hardly wait for September 16! How do you like Set 4 so far? And did you like Set 3.5 Galaxies by the way? Tell us about it on Facebook or Twitter.

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