The Dota 2 Battle Pass Ends Today

Dota 2 ti10 battle pass
Image credit: Valve Corporation

The Dota 2 2020 Battle Pass is coming to an end today, October 9. It’s your last chance to pick up some of the rewards by either playing or getting extra levels.

This year’s Dota 2 Battle Pass is one of the better ones we’ve seen for a multitude of reasons but it’s slowly coming to an end with only about 10 hours remaining. The original end date was September 12 but got extended to September 19. Then Valve extended it again from September 19 to the current day, October 9. Why? Due to technical issues and late delivery on some of the content. In any case, it was a good decision by the company which left fans happy. Let’s take a look at what was good and what was bad in this year’s Battle Pass.

Anti mage wei
Wei is the alternative persona for Anti-Mage. (Image credit: Valve Corporation)

Lots of Exclusive Skins

This one is a mixed bag. On one hand, it offered three new arcanas and two new personas that add a breath of fresh air for the heroes in question. On the other, you can only acquire them through the Battle Pass. If you missed out on them for any reason, they’re gone forever as none of the skins are tradeable or marketable. Furthermore, the level of quality between the five skins varies greatly and some are much more worth it than others.

Aghanims labyrinth dota 2 summer event
Image credit: Valve Corporation

Aghanim’s Labyrinth

Aghanim’s Labyrinth is one of the best Battle Pass events we’ve seen so far. In my personal opinion it’s even better than Siltbreaker as unlike the latter it offers variety and every single run feels unique (even if you die 2 minutes in). The Labyrinth combines Dota 2 and dungeon crawling with RNG. The best part is that it also rewarded you with Battle Points to level up your Battle Pass and even had a talent tree that supposedly made the runs easier.

The only bad thing about the event was the rather limited number of heroes you can play in it but each had a distinct role. Thanks to the various talents you could customize the playstyle to your liking.

Prize pool ti10 dota 2
Image credit:

A New TI Prize Pool Record

The TI9 record for the biggest prize pool in a single esports event is no more. Thanks to the combined efforts of the Dota 2 community this year came really close to the $40 million mark falling short only with $100,000. The biggest downside is that the prestigious Dota 2 tournament didn’t happen this year due to COVID. The International 10 will return in August, 2021 – Stockholm, Sweden.

Guilds - returning feature that made everyone happy! (Image credit: Valve Corporation)


Adding back guilds was probably the best decision Valve made this year. The feature was available back when Dota 2 still ran on Source 1 and later got removed when Reborn came out. Why? We don’t know but we’re really glad it returned for the Battle Pass. Let’s hope Valve listen to the community and leave it even after the end of the pass.

Arcana vote grand finals
Image credit: Valve Corporation

Arcana Vote Winner

It’s still unclear whether Faceless Void or Spectre won this year’s Arcana Vote. The results should become available by tomorrow so stay tuned.

Did you enjoy this year’s Dota 2 Battle Pass? What level did you reach? Tell us on our Facebook page!

Stay tuned for more Dota 2 news and check out EarlyGame or the EarlyGame Youtube channel for everything gaming and esports.

Tasho Tashev

Law graduate from Sofia University turned gaming journalist. Gaming has always been a passion of mine since I was a kid (shocker I know) so it was only a matter of time before I started writing about it. My high-school...