Dota 2: The most impactful items of 7.24

Dota 2 items
Image credit: Valve Corporation

It’ll soon be a month since the release of patch 7.24. Today we’ll take a look at some of the most impactful items in the current meta in no particular order. Note that we’ll not include neutral items here, but only the ones you can actually purchase from the shops.

Heaven’s Halberd

The Halberd was once used mainly on offlane heroes as a defensive tool against ranged cores. Nowadays it’s a must-have for any hero that relies on lifesteal and health regen to survive like Huskar or Lifestealer. The item’s recent changes removed the damage element completely but added 30% amplification to lifesteal and health regeneration, along with an increase of the status resistance from 16% to 20%. Besides the two heroes we mentioned above, any offlaner or even support can go for it, as the price is simply too good to miss on. When it comes to its active, the disarm can prove very beneficial and even turn the tide of a teamfight singlehandedly. On top of everything it also provides evasion. Thus further increasing the effective health points of any hero.

Abyssal Blade

Ever since Abyssal blade received a blink strike element to its active, the item spiked in popularity. It has been a favourite pick for almost any melee hero and we’ve even seen it on the likes of Shadowfiend, where it’d be used to close the distance for a Requiem of Souls. A 2-second stun on a 30-second cooldown which allows any hard-hitting hero to close the distance can be really demoralizing on the enemy. Despite its high cost it’s fairly easy to combine it due to the average price of each component. Carry heroes in the past may have lacked a way to get close and personal but that’s no longer the case.


Patch 7.24 increased the damage of Crystalys reduced the critical strike bonus damage from 175% to 160% but increased the flat attack damage bonus from 38 to 45. With a combined cost of 2130 gold, Crystalys is the most cost-effective item for physical damage in the game. In comparison, a Demon Edge costs 2200 and grants only 42 attack damage, without the benefit of crit chance. We’ve seen pro teams favor the item during recent qualifiers, making us question if it isn’t just too good at the moment. Void Spirit players who’d usually have to decide between magical or physical builds, now have it laid out for them. The latter is a lot better currently and it’s all due to the changes in the last update. It'd come as no surprise if the next major update tones down the damage of Crystalys a bit.

Boots of Travel

Ever since patch 7.20, the pair of boots has been an amazing pick. It’s usually best utilized by casters who have trouble managing their mana pools, but pretty much any hero can benefit from the item. Heroes like Invoker or Skywrath mage who don’t really want to build mana regen items in order to be able to cast their spells freely will find a good alternative with Boots of Travel. You can always go back to base, heal up, rejoin your team and keep the pressure on the enemy. Splitpushing is also an option. With shrines getting removed and outposts now standing close to their old locations, the importance of teleportation is just as high as it was before. Contesting the outposts will be much easier with Boots of Travel, but their only downside is they don’t provide any combat bonuses. That and their high price which could prove costly in the early game, but it’s always worth the investment.Do you agree with the list, did we miss anything? If so, feel free to leave a comment below.

Tasho Tashev

Law graduate from Sofia University turned gaming journalist. Gaming has always been a passion of mine since I was a kid (shocker I know) so it was only a matter of time before I started writing about it. My high-school...