Valorant is set to release on June 2

Image credit: Riot Games

During a live stream interview Anna Donlon and Joe Ziegler revealed that the official release date for Riot Games’ tactical shooter Valorant will be June 2.

Geoff Keighley interviewed Anna Donlon and Joe Ziegler on the “thegameawards” channels. The two Riot employees answered some of the most interesting questions and revealed quite a lot of new information. Check out the full video on Youtube below.

Summer was loose enough to give us enough time to react to all the closed beta feedback

Ever since Project A became Valorant, we’ve heard over and over that the new title will release in the summer of 2020. Many doubted that Riot will stay true to their word due to the coronavirus pandemic and all the complications it caused. Surprisingly Riot Games pulled through and remained on schedule, even went ahead of it.

What should we expect?

June 2 is the confirmed date for release. Riot also released an official blog post where they go over some of the details around that magical date. The game's launch will also introduce some additional content.

Originally we thought it’d be 12 agents but we made the cut to 11. The 11 agent will be quite interesting and maybe quite spicy.

Judging by what Ziegler said, the new agent may have some interesting tools at his/her disposal. Whether players will be thrilled or annoyed by that remains to be seen. Joe Ziegler also mentioned that there’s a new map coming. He hinted that most players have already seen the upcoming map and that is basically a confirmation that it’s going to be Ascent.

The current plan is to have one additional mode at launch. It is coming pretty hot, it’ll be there on launch day. The main idea behind the new mode is to be a shorter one but it’s definitely not Team Deathmatch. It’s something else.

Just like League of Legends has a shorter mode where you can join in to have some fun, so will Valorant. Donlon said it’s definitely not going to be Team Deathmatch, so we’re wondering what could it be?

The main concern during the beta was keeping the queue times low and accumulate enough feedback from players.

Getting players in and keeping them was also a top priority according to Donlon.

More content

After the launch in summer, the two Riot employees mentioned that the game will receive additional content. This will no doubt include new maps, new agents, maybe new weapons, skins, modes and more.

Donlon and Ziegler also briefly discussed the Vanguard concerns. They claimed that the anti-cheat doesn’t report anything back to them and while they understand the concerns of most players, Vanguard should be considered as safe as it gets. Whether that’ll convince the community remains to be seen, but it can’t be denied that the Riot team have done some serious work to improve the anti-cheat.

Those were the most important points in the interview which isn’t actually that long (don’t let the Youtube 40 min mark fool you). If you have the time make sure to check it out for yourself. In the meantime stay tuned for more Valorant updates on EarlyGame.

Tasho Tashev

Law graduate from Sofia University turned gaming journalist. Gaming has always been a passion of mine since I was a kid (shocker I know) so it was only a matter of time before I started writing about it. My high-school...