Vitality rise up against G2 Esports

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Image credit: Riot Games

G2 suffered a second loss in their first three games - should we be worried?

The penultimate game of the day saw spring split champions G2 esports face off against Team Vitality. G2 started the season with an impressive win against MAD Lions before faltering against Origen. While Vitality outplayed Schalke and had a good early game against Fnatic, few expected them to outmatch G2.

Yet when the game started, the French team quickly went on the offense, taking the first blood in the bottom lane. G2 soon replied, but just nine minutes in, they lost four when a mid-lane trade turned into an early teamfight. Vitality had a gold lead of over 4K fifteen minutes into the game and had all the early drakes.

G2 sought to prevent an early ocean soul and around the 23-minute mark they started a fight only to once more get nearly aced. Vitality took the ocean soul and moved on to secure the Baron buff as well. Soon, G2 were staring at super minions pushing towards their base. The end came 28 minutes in, when Vitality got a kill in their toplane push, took the third inhibitor and then won a fight around the nexus to secure their upset.

For a second time this week,we saw a Vitality that was on point. While a lot of their success came off great flanks by top laner Lucas "Cabochard " Simon-Meslet, the rest of the team rose to the occasion as well. Vitality have already won as many games in summer as they did in the entire spring split, but with a second loss in a row, it seems that G2 are still not quite comfortable after their latest position swap.


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