Valorant's Icebox: What is Zipline Jousting?

Icebox Bomb Site A
Zipline Jousting is here!

We would have never guessed that the new Valorant map Icebox would become so popular for the ancient medieval sport, Jousting. That’s right what started as a joke is now a viral mini-game!

Icebox has only been out a couple of days and players have already discovered a secret game mode: Zipline Jousting!

It’s not exactly clear who is credited with the invention of Zipline Jousting but u/luciddaymare uploaded the video to Reddit and it soon went viral across the interwebs.

The premise is simple: melee only weapons, both players ascend and attach onto the opposing sides of the Zipline and try to stab each other until only one remains. Instead of shooting each other with guns like some kind of barbarian, instead, a more civilized knife fight to the death.

Both squads cycle through their members until only one team remains. It looks like you could also throw out your abilities to influence the jousters, like flashes and walls, maybe even a heal! The possibilities seem endless, imagine picking a squad equipped with the best jousting meta abilities! We could see this becoming a popular streamer activity and a fun game to play with chat. So if you queue up for a match and see everyone spamming Zipline Joust you now know what's up.

The reactions to the actual Icebox map have been a mixed bag, we at EarlyGame got a few rounds in on the map, and it's definitely a step up in difficulty. You never feel safe with so many corners and high ground spots littered throughout the map. It is still too early to deliver a final verdict on this new complex map.

Stay tuned for more Valorant news and check EarlyGame or the EarlyGame YouTube channel for everything gaming and esports.

Paul Hayes

I did my BA in English Lit. and Language Studies at Western University in Canada and I use to play MTG competitively, but sadly to no success so I write instead! If a game doesn't challenge me, it's not the...