New BF2042 Trailer - First Look At Renewal, Breakaway and Discarded

Like a lot of people, we were feeling a little down on Battlefield 2042. But (finally) their marketing department is trying to turn us around - check out their latest trailer here. These maps look so much better than Orbital...

BF2042 Discarded
This game is going to be full of zip lines | © EA

A new trailer for three of the Battlefield 2042 maps has been released, it also shows us a little more gameplay and a couple more weapons we haven't yet seen. We've got to admit, though, as much as we were negative about Battlefield 2042 after the beta, this trailer has started to get us a little excited again.

You can see that they're opting for more natural environments than we had in Orbital, and it looks from the trailer, at least, like those environments compliment the gameplay perfectly. Remember, though, there are still three maps we've barely seen, so we can't make any final judgments yet. Enough throat-clearing, let's watch that trailer.

The Renewal, Breakaway, and Discarded Trailer

Without further ado, the trailer:

We got a little taste in that trailer of three maps coming on launch. But we did only see snippets, here's how they're described on the Battlefield 2042 homepage.


Along a strategic section of India's west coast, colossal ships stranded on the beach are being stripped for parts. Fight among the hulls of these behemoths while adapting to deadly storms.


Tread carefully on this dynamic map, where oil extraction has turned the freezing area to a strategic hot spot. Take advantage of destructible fuel tanks and silos that create debris fields and permanent fires when destroyed.


Along a strategic section of India's west coast, colossal ships stranded on the beach are being stripped for parts. Fight among the hulls of these behemoths while adapting to deadly storms

These look like good maps for Battlefield. Though, if there is one downside, it looks like Webster Mackay will continue to be the most popular specialist by some distance.

This news bodes well for All Out Warfare (as EA insists on titling their multiplayer mode), but a lot more community focus is on Portal right now. Those maps won't be new, they're going to be remastered older maps. But you can still fudge up a remaster. Here are the maps we're praying we get for that coveted mode:

The ball is in EA's court now, let's see what they can pull off. Who knows, maybe they really can win back some faith in this project.

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....