BOCW Season 6 Cinematic Ends Adler's Story...

Adler's story has been brought to a close in the new Black Ops Cold War Season 6 cinematic.

Bocw adler
How does Adler's story end? | © Activision

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War's de-facto main character, Adler, has finally reached the end of his story in the game's Season 6 outro cinematic. We won't spoil anything here, but what we will say is that the outro alludes to events that may be about to take place in Call of Duty: Vanguard.

The campaign for BOCW featured Adler, a CIA agent, and followed him both during the 1980s and in brief flash-backs to events like the Vietnam War. After the end of the campaign, BOCW's multiplayer tied in with changes to Warzone's Verdansk map, and continued Adler's storyline.

Look, we don't want to spoil anything before you've seen the outro cinematic. Thus, here it is, and everything after the trailer will be fair-game in terms of spoilers.

Over the course of Black Ops Cold War's post-launch content, we have seen a constant battle between Adler, America's sweetheart, and Stitch. The latter is, of course, a Russian bloke with a chip on his shoulder. It's all very cheesy stuff, with Stitch capturing and brainwashing Adler throughout the seasons, before Alex Mason comes to the rescue.

In the outro cinematic, we see Adler and his team finally come face to face with Stitch. The conversation that commences between the two characters reveals that Perseus was more of an idea than a real man, and that he will not be the last "Perseus". In the words of Stitch:

You never understood. Perseus was never one man, it's an ideal. Bigger than any of us... A great man, with a great vision, he was not the first Perseus, just as I won't be the last... I have changed the world, Adler. In ways you can't even imagine.

The scene ends with Stitch's death, as the frame cuts to black and we hear a gun shot ring out in the darkness. It's an interesting end to the saga, which has admittedly provided a very solid justification for engaging in this year's Call of Duty multiplayer content, as well as Warzone.

What is especially interesting, though, is that Stitch potentially creates the link we've been waiting for between Verdansk '84 and the new content coming in Call of Duty: Vanguard. He makes reference to the place in which they are standing, possibly hinting at how Warzone's story will shift.

You Westerners, so squeamish. Look at where we are. This was the Eastern Front, the blood of millions of my people sewn deep into this soil. Men and women who paid the ultimate price for what had to be done.

So this makes a direct link between the events of Warzone's BOCW era and Call of Duty: Vanguard, but does not answer the question of how we find ourselves on a Pacific Island in the new Caldera Map. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how they justify all of this, and how the story develops. Exciting stuff is certainly to come!

Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...