Do Perks Stack In Warzone?

Do perks stack in Warzone? Can you keep perks after you respawn? There are lots of players who want to know, but because the game doesn't make it clear, we've answered those questions below.

Do Perks Stack In Warzone
It's remarkably how little Warzone explains to it's players when they first begin. | © Activision Blizzard

Perks are a fundamental part of any loadout in Warzone. They're going to do a huge amount to help you win gunfights, and eventually (with a little luck) get the dubs. But Perks aren't explained as well as they could be in the tutorial, and a lot of players are left asking: do Perks stack? And, do you lose Perks when you die? Well, to answer those questions, we've put together a little guide on Perks. Enjoy.

Do Perks Stack In Warzone?

No, sadly not, once you choose three new perks in a loadout, you lose all the perks you might have previously had. It would simply be too powerful because loadouts are so easy to get in Warzone. However, there is one exception: the Specialist token. The Specialist token can be found in ground loot (although it's incredibly rare). It will be obvious because there are no other tokens available in ground loot. When you have Specialist activated, you gain every single perk at once. Tempered, Ghost, High Alert, Pointman - you name it.

Do You Keep Your Perks If You're Bought Back, Or Win The Gulag?

Unfortunately, you lose your perks, even when you win your Gulag or are bought back by your squad. There's been some confusion around this because the game is so buggy that some players have returned with their perks. But in normal situations, you will not return with any of your perks when you re-deploy.

What Are The Best Perks In Warzone?

You have three perk slots to fill in Warzone, but be careful - this is as important for making a straight loadout as picking the best assault rifle or sniper can be. Perk 1s are generally counters, Perk 2s are provided equipment, and Perk 3s offer abilities. Although there is some overlap. Here are the best perks in Warzone right now.

Perk Slot 1 - Counters

The best Perk 1 is probably E.O.D. because it reduces explosives and fire, which are incredibly common. E.O.D. is closely followed by Cold-Blooded because it counters thermal scopes and the very popular Combat Scout perk, and then Double Time. Double Time helps you move more quickly, but only higher skilled players will get much use out of this. None of the other perks are worth using unless you have something very specific in mind for a loadout.

Perk Slot 1
This is the least exciting of the three perk-categories. | © Activision Blizzard

Perk Slot 2 - Equipment

The best Perk 2 in Warzone is Overkill, followed by Ghost. Overkill is by far and away the most popular perk for a first loadout because it gives you two custom guns, but you should never take Overkill on your second or third loadout in a game, because once you have your guns, it's pointless. Ghost is the most popular Perk 2 once you have your weapons, because it keeps you off Heartbeat Sensors and UAVs. More aggressive players will prefer Tempered, High Alert or Restock for Perk 2. But Hardline and Pointman are objectively worthless.

Perk Slot 2
Perk 2s are the powerhouse perks - these define a loadout more than the other two slots. | © Activision Blizzard

Perk Slot 3 - Abilities

The best Perk 3 to use in Warzone is Combat Scout, followed by Amped. Combat Scout automatically pings people you hit, so it helps team co-ordination, but Amped can be better for slow weapons like LMGs and Snipers because it allows you to swap for your second weapon more quickly. Tracker is quite good as well, but nothing else is good enough to be worth using.

Perk Slot 3
Perk 3s can give your loadout a nice little boost. | © Activision Blizzard

That was an overview of the perk system in Warzone, and (we hope) some helpful answers to the most common questions. Whether you're a new player or a veteran, it always helps to stay on top of how Warzone works, so why not check out our overview of the new hatches and bunkers while you're here?

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....