Modern Warfare 3 Story Completely Spoiled By Voice Actor For Gaz

The voice actor for Gaz recently responded to a message from a fan on social media. We're not sure why he did it, but in the response he gave away some massive spoilers for the MW3 campaign. Continue reading at your own risk.

Voice Actor For Gaz Leaks Modern Warfare 3 Plot
Modern Warfare 3: Plot revealed by voice actor. | © Activision

Modern Warfare 3 is fast approaching, and so quite naturally fans are beginning to wonder where the story will take us. One fan recently asked the voice actor for Gaz about the story, and to everyone's surprise he spilled the beans. The vocie actor tried to be a little cryptic in his answer, but it was painfully obvious to any long-term CoD fans.

Spoiler alert: This is (unfortunately) a massive spoiler, and so if you enjoy the CoD story we advise you to stop reading here.

MW3 Plot Revealed By Voice Actor For Gaz

The voice actor who plays Gaz, Elliot Knight, revealed the plot of MW3 in response to a comment on one of his social media posts. The original comment simply said "please don't die in MW3", and the actor responded with a needlessly revealing answer: "Let me tell you something, 2 sad deaths and 1 good death". Which almost certainly means Shepherd will kill Ghost and another member of TF141, just like he did in the OG MW2. Of course, there is no Roach in the reboot trilogy, so it will have to be someone else in TF141 (we would guess Soap).

The post from Elliot Knight was quickly deleted, but not before it could be screenshotted:

We're sorry if you couldn't help yourself and kept reading to get to the spoiler. We're also annoyed.

In terms of the grander plot in MW3, we luckily haven't been spoiled yet. But given the ending of MW2, we're 99% certain Makarov and the Ultranationalists will be able to get Russia to declare war on the US via the false flag operation that happens off-screen (a repeat of No Russian).

Are you excited about the story of MW3, or are you waiting for CoD: Black Ops Gulf War?

Hopefully less of these shenanigans in MW3:

Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....