Cyberpunk 2077 Delayed Until September

Cyperpunkg 2077
Cyberpunk 2077. (Image credit: CDPR)

Cyberpunk 2077, one of the most anticipated games of this generation with tons of pre-ordered copies is getting a significant delay.

CD PROJEKT RED on Twitter: "We have important news regarding Cyberpunk 2077's release date we'd like to share with you today.…"

The title won't make the initially announced April release date and will instead pop up in our libraries on September 17, 2020.

Cyperpunk 2077 Press News
Press News. (Image credit: CDPR)

The news came in a tweet by developer CD Project Red explaining the situation and signed by Co-Founder Marcin Iwiński and Head of Studio Adam Badowski. According to them, the game is playable, but the scope of the world is so big that it needs some more time in the oven before we can sink our teeth in.

The Internet seems very kind and accepting of the news. CDPR has a stellar reputation among gamers and many fans pointed out they prefer to wait a bit more for a super polished game, rather than have it on time, but undercooked. The latter being something other AAA studios are often accused of doing.

There was also a slew of hilarious memes circling social media, like this one, putting Cyberpunk on the gallows rack alongside Star Citizen and the Final Fantasy VII remake – games delayed so many times, that some believe they'll never see the light of day.

In times like these, we can take solace in the words of Super Mario Brothers creator Shigeru Miyamoto, who famously said:

"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad."

If anything, at least we'll have more time to upgrade our rigs and tick a few more boxes in our back catalogs of unplayed games.

Fabian Furch

Former semi-professional Counter-Strike player and football entrepreneur, now again in gaming. Responsible for Partnerships, Content, Product & PR....