EarlyGame Artist of the Day: Rosa Venenosa

Rosa Venenosa is EarlyGame's Artist of the Day!

Rosa Venenosa
Our artist of the day! | © Rosa Venenosa

Rosa Venenosa is an electronic indie vocalist and songwriter from Madrid, Spain. The artist's sound is chameleonic, although always faithful to the presence of synthesizers and the recreation of enigmatic and sometimes somber atmospheres. Meanwhile, her lyrics caress the poetic and invite to connect with the most vulnerable parts of oneself, making her music reopen and heal the wound at the same time.

"Aquelarres" is the name of her first EP, released in 2019. Among her latest releases are some singles full of introspection, such as "Me Declaro Culpable" and "Déjame Entrar", as well as several musical collaborations with promising music producers. Currently, Rosa Venenosa is preparing the release of her next EP, "Humanos", which will launch in March 2022.What is your favorite video game soundtrack?

Super Mario Bros. I am a 90’s kid, so I would not be able to name a more iconic video game soundtrack than this one. I grew up playing this video game in my Game Boy Color and- Oh, boy!- this is a cool memory I treasure hehe.

Who's your favorite video game music composer?

I would say Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy).

What’s your favorite video game?

No doubt, The Sims. I find it extremely satisfying to make digital copies of myself while I live parallel lives in a fantasy habitat that I have designed. How great is that? Also, it reminds me of my teenage days.

What game inspired you to do music

Probably Sonic The Hedgehog. The unique synthwave vibes and the dynamic atmospheres are key elements of this particular video game that have inspired me when creating my own music.

What video game are you currently playing?

The Sims 4, but rumor has it that a new edition will be released soon, yay!

Would you ever like to write music for video games? What would it be like?

Absolutely, I would love to do that! As an indie vocalist and songwriter, writing music is a moment of happiness for me, so recreating atmospheres and feelings for a video game would be a thrilling challenge to take on. I am sure that my video game music would most likely include robust, bright synths that bring some impact and action to the players’ experience. I would adore to recreate similar vibes to those you expect when you have your morning run and two cups of coffee, full activation!

How important is music for video games / video games for music?

4,5/5.At the end of the day, connecting with the listener is what matters the most, no matter where the music is played.
Jon Ramuz

Jon has a BA and an MA in English Literature, and as Content Lead for EarlyGame has written over 1,500 articles. He focuses on shooters, but also writes about entertainment and gaming in general....