Twitch Broadcasting the NFL Playoffs Live!

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Twitch to host the NFL playoffs (Credit: NFL/Twitch)

Last Thursday, January 7, Twitch was given permission to stream an American Football playoff match courtesy of the NFL! But does Twitch plan to stream more games live in the coming weeks?

In the past, there have been watch parties for NFL on Twitch and streamers were able to secure permission for single games without any copyright strikes. Twitch is now working directly with the NFL and has been given access to stream more games. Twitch took to Twitter to announce this exciting development.

It seems this rather historic moment is a pretty big deal for Twitch and they are correct. If you are not aware, American Football is extremely lucrative for all companies involved. Did you know that a 30-second commercial ad during the Superbowl costs around $5.6 million dollars? Well, Twitch is not quite there yet and is not broadcasting the Superbowl, but they are making a big step towards that possible future with this announcement.

If Twitch and the NFL manage to demonstrate that gamers (and normies too) are willing to watch the 'big game' on Twitch, who knows, maybe other sports will follow. NBA on your phone? Yes, please.

TV feels so archaic... like a relic of the past. Does anyone even watch actual TV anymore? While most people probably stream with services like Netflix or Amazon, sports are still predominately, if not exclusively, on TV channels. Now if you could stream an NFL Football match on Twitch for free that sounds way more appealing. So it is about time sports caught up or be left behind by the younger generations who watch more esports than ball sports.

What do you make of this story? Tell us your opinion in our new Discord!


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Paul Hayes

I did my BA in English Lit. and Language Studies at Western University in Canada and I use to play MTG competitively, but sadly to no success so I write instead! If a game doesn't challenge me, it's not the...