Fnatic Defeats G2, Schalke’s MiracleRun Is Over – LEC Review

Fnatic Playoffs 1 2 1
After 874 days Fnatic breaks the spell against G2 and wins the BO5 series. (Image credit: LEC via Twitter)

Fnatic is in the final of the playoffs. Schalke's MiracleRun ended against the MAD Lions, who were defeated by Rogue afterwards. We have the review of the weekend of the LEC.

Schalke 04 vs. MAD Lions

Game 1

Schalke made it into the best-of-five-series. They dominated the early game and were able to build a 10K gold advantage. After Erberk "Gilius" Demir was able to secure the Dragon soul and the Baron for Schalke, they managed to take game one against the MAD Lions. (1-0)

Game 2

The Lions were not intimidated by that and set the tone in game two. Schalke didn't find access to the game and just ran after MAD. After the Lions could claim the Infernal Soul and the Baron buff for themselves, the game was over for Schalke. (1-1)

Game 3

Schalke didn't really get any better in game three. Nothing worked for the royal blue and MAD Lions were able to build up an 8K gold advantage again. The bot lane was the biggest problem of the whole series and also in this game Matúš "Neon" Jakubčík and Han "Dreams" Min-kook had no chance against the MAD bottom lane duo Schalke lost the last team fight and with it the game. (1-2)

Game 4

In the fourth game, the preliminary decision was made by a team fight in the 20th minute. A perfect Lillia ultimate let MAD defeat all the rogues and get the Baron buff. With a 6K Gold advantage, the MAD Lions finished the series after a fight on the mid lane. (1-3)

With this, the MAD Lions secure the last spot for the LoL Worlds 2020 and will face Rogue in the semi-finals of the playoffs. Unfortunately, Schalke's #MiracleRun has come to an abrupt end.

Fnatic vs. G2 Esports

Game 1

Fnatic was more aggressive in the fights and secured the first Baron. After the second Baron and along with a 10k gold advantage, Fnatic were able to wrap things up and win game one. (1-0)

Game 2

In the second match, G2 had the upper hand around the drakes. They secured the Infernal Soul and won the fight for the Baron. Afterward, they defeated Fnatic and making the score even. (1-1)

Game 3

G2 was also ahead in game three and after 20 minutes already had three drakes. They penetrated Fnatic's base and destroyed the first inhibitor. However, they pushed their luck too far and gave Fnatic the chance to come back. The orange team got the Baron and did exactly that, defeating G2 minutes later. (2-1)

Game 4

G2 struck back again in game four and managed to get the Mountain Soul against Fnatic. After that, they also claimed the Baron and forced things into a fifth game. (2-2)

Game 5

The last game of BO5 was the most exciting of this year's playoffs so far. In a back and forth, the two teams played their hearts out to win. The rivalry between G2 and Fnatic was noticeable every second and in the end, it could not have been closer. After Tim "Nemesis" Lipovšek and Martin "Rekkles" Larsson were able to defend the base rush after the lost team fight, Fnatic managed to fight back on their part and keep the Oceanic Soul. The last backdoor attempt of Luka "Perkz" Perković was also stopped by "Nemesis". Fnatic closed the bag and won the series. (3-2)

After the defeat, Fnatic is now in the finals of the LEC playoffs. G2 has the chance for a revenge in the final if they win against Rogue in the lower bracket.

MAD Lions vs. Rogue

Game 1

Rogue made short work with the MAD Lions in game one. After only 24 minutes and a 10K Gold advantage for Rogue, MAD was finished. (0-1)

Game 2

Game two was even for a long time, but Rogue had the better team fight composition and left the Lions in the late no chance to get back into the game. Rogue took a confident lead and won the match in 37 minutes. (0-2)

Game 3

Rogue was superior in the whole series and they proved that in game three. The MAD Lions could not win a single team fight against Rogue and had to admit defeat in the end. (0-3)

Rogue is now facing G2 in the fight for the finals of the LEC playoffs.

On September 5, the games will continue with Rogue versus G2 Esports. EarlyGame will of course keep you up to date.

For more LoL news and the best of gaming and esports can be found on EarlyGame. For example League of Legends Patch 10.18 makes Ahri and Kayle stronger and Samira was revealed as the next champion.

Tasho Tashev

Law graduate from Sofia University turned gaming journalist. Gaming has always been a passion of mine since I was a kid (shocker I know) so it was only a matter of time before I started writing about it. My high-school...