Games to play with your special someone on Valentine's Day

Games with special someone valentines day glados
You warm GLaDOS' processing unit. Now it's overheating.

Once a year, couples around the world get into a frenzy about heart-shaped items and grand romantic gestures. Yes, it's Valentine's Day, and if you, gamers, are blessed with a significant other as nerdy as you, you might have so unconventional tastes. So instead of paying thousands for presents, flowers and a reservation in a cramped place, why not take your better half on a stroll down gaming lane... together.

Now, just like in our article about makes a good Valentine's Day game for a single person, we had to stop and think. What kind of game would a nerdy couple enjoy on such a day? The first requirement is obvious: the game needs a working co-op, preferably two-man, so you're working together, not against each other. Secondly, it should be a game that you can safely leave after 20 minutes, just in case you decide to get freaky together. And third, we believe we should steer clear of dreary or depressive games because they can kill the mood faster than an esports pro knifing Silvers.

With that in mind, let's find something fun.

Heroes of the Storm

Games with special someone valentines day heroes of the storm
Heroes of the shashfic, more like it. (Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment)

Now, this game is for Blizzard fans only, so don't try it with any other kind of gamer or you might not have as much fun. It will also be the only MOBA title on this list due to us focusing more on duo co-op. So, what makes Heroes of the Storm a good Valentine's Day game?

First of all, it doesn't take an eternity to grasp. Since there are no items or runes, you can just focus on learning one hero and rolling with it. Second of all, it's a game that teaches team strategy over individual carries, unlike League of Legends, for example. So you can just make a little dream team with your SO and win together. Victory is the sweetest aphrodisiac.

If you like the Blizzard franchise, HotS is the most amazing game for roleplay. You can play out as your cannons and otps and enjoy their customized interactions:

The community is pretty nice overall, as long as you avoid the cesspool that is Quick Match. And if you don't feel like playing against people, HotS players play a lot of bot matches, both for practice and to grind daily quests, so you can just enjoy yourselves, no stress.

Portal 2

Games with special someone valentines day portal 2
Transdimensional fun for two. (Image credit: Valve Corporation)

While Portal 2 is not a new game, it's still considered one of the best titles of its time. Its genius comes from its simplicity and its pitch-black humor. To this day, Portal and its music are part of gamer culture. Oh, the physics puzzles with portals are only half the fun. Playing co-op in Portal 2 is surprisingly smooth as you piece together the complex sequence of portals and tasks to achieve your mission's end goal. However, the game shines when the GLaDOS AI constantly snarks at you while you're trying to get things done:

Besides, when you're playing as two cute little co-op bots, you can't have your SO complaining that they're playing a hero of the wrong gender (whichever it might be).

As the game progresses, the difficulty certainly ramps up but you'll see what amazing bonding experience it is. And while others may try to dazzle you with tales of candle-lit dinners, you could brag about launching your partner through the wall.

Payday 2

Games with special someone valentines day payday 2
Make it rain! (Image credit: Overkill Software)

With Payday 2, you can channel your inner Bonnie and Clyde. Put on your greatest clown masks and get ready for some good old-fashioned bank robbery. Cartoonish crime can be so fun. Payday 2 can be played solo but it's a lot more fun with friends. So you play a group of robbers, right, and the goal is to get away with your dosh without security or the po-po catching you.

But don't think you can always go in guns blazing. On the contrary, you have to be smart. Think up ways to disable security systems and surveillance footage. Sneak past to evade onlookers who might call the police. All in all, it's smarts and brawn in one. And if you're all for that crime life, check out the story mode, it's fantastic:

Oh, one more thing. For Payday 2 in particular, it is absolutely okay if you decide to play with other people, too. The community around this game is absolutely fantastic. They are always helpful and will give you tips even if you're not sure what to do. Not sure why a game about crime has the nicest people around, but hey, it's a nice change of pace!


Games with special someone valentines day fortnite
Love during a Battle Royale (Image credit: Epic Games)

Sometimes, it's best to go for the classics. And what's more classic than popping off to Fortnite for some duos? You can build your little love shack and defend yourselves from the incoming storm and the enemy teams out there to get you. You have to stop and wonder... are there any more couples among them?

Unlike Payday 2, Fortnite is the quintessential expression of fun. From the candy-colored graphics to the funny costumes and amazing emotes, it's like one crazy trip from start to end. You can't even get mad when you lose – getting shot by a giant smiling banana who just waddles past you merely adds to the surreal experience.

If Battle Royale isn't really your thing, you can take your date to literally Save the World and have some nice experiences together. Or if you really want to make it special, Creative Mode is your thing. Make your own Valentine map and explore it together!

Rock Band 4

Games with special someone valentines day rockband 4
Rock on. (Image credit: Harmonix Music Systems)

Let's face it, if you've set aside a ridiculous amount of money to treat your special someone, you might as well be original about it. With Rock Band 4, you are not just dining beneath the stars, you ARE the stars. Set up a nice, obstacle-free space and prepare to rock your socks off!

The game mechanics are as simple as you can imagine. You are musicians and you have to play popular songs with your instruments – yes, you will need to get the accessories, but hey, you're making it special, right? You need to perform and sustain your guitar chords in order to ignite the crowd. It's an equal measure of fun and skill.

Just think of the infinite possibilities: if you know which songs your SO likes, you can even set up a nice playlist for you guys to try and beat! It's not just about playing the game, after all, it's about doing something amazing together.

When it's all said and done, Valentine's Day is just another day of the year. Maybe you're one of the naysayers and reject the holiday altogether. If so, just take this little list of games and whenever you want to make someone happy, try them out together. It's the memories that count. The team of EarlyGame wishes you lots of love and a high score.