Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Coming Back to Twitch, Streaming Among Us

AOC Among Us Twitch Stream
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez streamed Among Us back in October as part of a campaign to increase voter-turnout in the 2020 Presidential race. (Image Credit: AOC via Twitch)

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been making waves in US Congress since she won primary selection for New York’s 14th congressional district in June of 2018. Proving herself a true politician of the 21st century, Ocasio-Cortez streamed Among Us in the run-up to the 2020 US Presidential election. Now she’s up to it again, as confirmed on Twitter.

AOC’s earlier stream broke records back in October when she smashed out 435,000 concurrent Twitch viewers, and 5.6 million views since. The big question is if this new stream can top the last, with her being joined by Canadian leader of the New Democratic Party Jagmeet Singh. True 21st century diplomatic relations!

As a proponent for a more modern approach to political campaigning, and a champion of the new progressive left of the American Democratic Party, AOC attracts a large, young audience. Her stream-mate is from the leftmost Canadian political party, and probably the most appropriate Canadian politician for her to be playing with.

Singh does have a lot to catch up with, though! He may have a modest 1900 followers, but Ocasio-Cortez has 739,000 on Twitch...that’s a LOT of room for improvement!! Is this his ticket to the top of the Twitch streaming game?

Jagmeet Singh NDP Canada Among Us
Jagmeet Singh is the leader of Canada's New Democratic Party, a ripe fit for AOC! (Image Credit: New Democratic Party of Canada)

Streaming has seen a surge in use by politicians to campaign during the Covid-19 crisis, with people stuck at home and unable to attend functions in-person. Ocasio-Cortez used her previous stream to encourage viewers to make a voting plan. With this stream on the other side of the presidential election, however, it seems this may be just a chill way to connect with her constituents, and for Mr Singh to continue his efforts to reach out to younger voters.

We’re not complaining, though! AOC’s stream in October was a hoot, and Singh seems like an interesting character, so we are absolutely looking forward to tuning in! They will be streaming together at 4PM PT on November 27, playing the ever-popular Among Us on both AOC’s and Singh’s Twitch channels.


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Evan Williams

Australian gamer, musician, and journalist at EarlyGame. Currently living in Germany so no, I don't ride a Kangaroo to work. I am currently hard at work making our CoD and Rocket League pages the best on the internet. Lofty ambitions,...