Buying a PlayStation 5: Where Can You Get the Console?

Playstation 5 konsole
Panic is spreading: PS5 sold out? Where can I get the next-gen console now? (Image Credit: Sony)

The countdown is running. Just under two weeks are still separating us from the release of the next-generation console PlayStation 5. What do you mean, you didn't pre-order it? You want to be there for the launch of the new generation? The question is: Where do I get a PS5 now?

Do you want to buy a PlayStation 5 to be in time for the next-generation console launch on November 19? We'll tell you where you can get a PS5 now - if you're lucky.

Buy PS5: The Console is Sold Out Everywhere

You know how it is. Sony announces a new console on November 1st and the PlayStation 5 is sold out everywhere. (Helloooo, the pre-order start was a while ago!) If you're one of the lucky few who were able to pre-order a PS5: Be happy!

But most gaming fans out there have been left empty-handed so far. So where do I get a PlayStation 5 to get started in time for the release?

Ps5 dualsense
If you want to get hold of a PS5 now, you have to be lucky. (Image Credit: Sony)

1. Regularly Browse the Well-Known Online Stores

As far as the eye can see: the PlayStation 5 is sold out everywhere. That probably won't change too much anymore. Nevertheless, it's worth visiting the most popular online stores on a regular basis, because you never know if a pre-order will drop out at the last second. From time to time, so the rumor goes, there's always some remaining stocks available.

You have to be fast and have good luck, then maybe it could work out after all. Follow the official store accounts on social networks or join PS5 groups to increase your chances.

2. Shopping on Release Day

Another option is to grab your car or bike on November 19 and visit the local electronics stores, supermarket chains, or toy stores. It's unlikely - but not impossible - that you'll get one of the last consoles from the big names here.

But before you set off, brace yourself for the apocalypse, for the battle of Helm's Deep. For the final battle. It will be a battle of life and death.

Try your luck in rather unorthodox stores: The toy store next door, the drugstore with a multimedia department, or even the bookstore that offers two PS4 games.

Because you never know if the 63-year-old store manager hasn't heard of the PlayStation 5 in advance and given his trainee the order to simply order 1-2 copies.

3. Stay Away From eBay and Unknown Stores

Hey cool, TotallyLegitGamingStore24 still has the PlayStation 5 in stock. It costs 100 Euro more and I can only pay by bank transfer, but the main thing is that I have the console for release.


Leave the dubious eBay dealers and unknown online stores, because the fraudsters do not sleep. Apart from the sometimes-horrendous prices, which are called scalpers (people who pre-order several consoles in order to resell them to desperate gamers for a higher price), you can also get into contact with real rip-off artists and never see your nearly $500 again.

4. Just Wait and See

The PlayStation 5 is sold out and maybe this time you won't be able to get it on release. But hey, the world won't end because of that (at least that's what we think). You can enjoy many PS5 launch games on the current hardware and if you enter the world of Demon's Souls or benefit from the technical improvements in Fortnite later, it's not a broken leg, is it?

Sony is working flat out to provide PlayStation 5 supplies and meet the huge demand. New consoles will come with time and if it's any consolation: all sorts of scams will be eventually eradicated.

Until then, make do with any other gaming highlights that November has in store for you.

More news from the world of gaming can be found on EarlyGame and the EarlyGame YouTube channel!

Original article by EarlyGame's Philipp Briel.

Tasho Tashev

Law graduate from Sofia University turned gaming journalist. Gaming has always been a passion of mine since I was a kid (shocker I know) so it was only a matter of time before I started writing about it. My high-school...