Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.2: Release Date, Updates – What to Expect

What do we expect to get with the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077 patch 1.2, and when is the new patch released? We got answers. We got speculation. We got everything except for bugs – CDPR has that covered.

Cyberpunk 2077 is the gift that keeps on giving... at least they got one thing right: Bugs come in hordes. Ever since the horrendous release, CDPR has been on an apologize-tour like OneRepublic. With it, they roll out patch after patch, hotfix after hotfix. Still, the game is trash on PS4 and Xbox. Maybe Patch 1.2 will change that?

What is the Release Date for Cyberpunk Patch 1.2?

Cyberpunk Patch
Patch 1.1 was... let's say it wasn't as disappointing as the original release. (Credit: CDPR)

Patch 1.2 is certain to come in February 2021. CD Projekt Red promised patch 1.1 for January and patch 1.2 for February. They were true to their word last month and, let's be honest: They can't afford to F up ever again. Trust this: Patch 1.2 will come this February.

If patch 1.1 is any indication then we expect patch 1.2 very, very soon: Patch 1,1, was released on January 22. Also, at the time of this writing, February only has about 10 days left anyway...

What Changes & Fixes will Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.2 Bring?

Cyberpunk 2077 art
Oh, what could've been. (Credit: CDPR)

Since patch 1.2 is much more than a hotfix, the changes should be significant – mostly for PS4 and Xbox, but also for the Stadia and PC.

In their official statement in December, CDPR put quite the emphasis on patch 1.1 and patch 1.2, claiming that they will fix the most significant problems on last-gen consoles. Well, patch 1.1 is out and the game is still absolute hot, piping garbage on PS4 and Xbox, so by simple logic we say this: Patch 1.2 got a lot of fixing to do. We expect patch 1.2 to bring quite the overhaul to Cyberpunk 2077 on PS4 and Xbox. Then again, wouldn't be the first time this game is not meeting expectations.

What Comes After Patch 1.2? What is the Cyberpunk 2077 Patch Roadmap?

Cyberpunk Roadmap
So February is right about the middle of 2021. Ok. Makes sense. (Credit: CDPR)

After this patch, the outlined steps by CDPR become a bit... unclear. All we know is that between the end of February and 2022, 'multiple updates & improvements are coming.' A little concerning is the fact that patch 1.2 is about half of what CDPR outlined for 2021, but we're only in... February. Red flag, guys. Red goddamn flag.


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Amidu Njiemoun

Amidu is a Brunel University graduate, and former published novel & screenplay writer turned gaming journalist and show host. He was a Senior Content Creator and Content Co-Lead at EarlyGame....